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Cheng Xuyuan was caught off guard, with a hint of bewilderment flashing in his eyes. He subconsciously wanted to push the person on him away, but he touched his solid chest, and his face suddenly turned red hot.
  Fortunately, the lights were turned off and Gu Juncheng couldn't see his expression clearly, otherwise he would definitely die of shame now.
  Gu Juncheng slowly approached his ear, like a hunter slowly approaching his captured prey. His voice was extremely clear in the darkness: "Are you shy?"
  Gu Juncheng asked this because he could clearly feel the nervousness and embarrassment of the person under him.
  Cheng Xuyuan didn't speak for a long time, and then whispered for a while: "...You are too heavy. I can't breathe."
  Gu Juncheng used his arms to prop up his body slightly, and the next second, before Cheng Xuyuan had time to breathe, , two soft and warm lips fell on his cheek.
  The kiss was so light that Cheng Xuyuan thought it was his imagination. The area where he had been kissed started to feel hot, and then it quickly spread to every part of his body.
  Gu Juncheng resisted the urge to kiss his lips. After getting off him, he reached out and rubbed his hair, and said softly: "Go to bed, it's very late." "Well..."
  Cheng Xuyuan's heart was still beating crazily. , like a deer scurrying around, hitting his chest until it almost burst.
  He suddenly called his name: "Gu Juncheng..."
  Gu Juncheng looked at him in the darkness, and could see his faint outline clearly. The fresh fragrance of shower gel was in his nose, and his voice was as clear and clear as ever.
  "If my grade point exceeds yours this semester, then we will be together."
  Cheng Xuyuan's sudden words made Gu Juncheng stunned for a while. He suddenly laughed, a low laugh with a hint of endearment: "Do you know what my grade point is?"
  Cheng Xuyuan looked at him curiously and said, "I know your grades are very good, I guess it is 4.5. Above, right?"
  "4.5?" Gu Juncheng's smile became more obvious. He reached out and pinched Cheng Xuyuan's cheek, "You look down on your future boyfriend too much, right?" "
  How much is that?"
  "4.82." Gu Juncheng's tone Somewhat proud. He is not a person who likes to show off his achievements in front of others. Even among his classmates, few people know that he was the top scorer in the college entrance examination. But in front of Cheng Xuyuan, he inevitably became a bitch.
  "...So high?!" Cheng Xuyuan looked at him in surprise.
  The grade point calculation rules of Hangzhou University are as follows: if the final total score of a course is 100 points, then the grade point is 5.0, and 0.1 will be deducted if 1 point is less than the full score. Therefore, a GPA of 4.82 means that Gu Juncheng’s

Almost every course scored above 98 points. In other words, if Cheng Xuyuan wants to surpass Gu Juncheng, he must ensure that the total score in each course is higher than 98.
  For the students of Hangzhou University, this is already a legend that is difficult to surpass.
  "It's not too late for you to change the conditions now." Gu Juncheng suggested "intimately".
  Cheng Xuyuan sneered and said unconvinced: "Isn't it just 4.82? What's the difficulty? I can do it with a score of 98 or above in every subject..." Gu Juncheng smiled and pinched his nose, reminding him kindly
  . : "If you're talking about paper scores, then I get close to full marks in every course. But the overall score depends on the normal scores given by the teacher... So, are you really that confident?" Cheng Xuyuan was silent
  He is not a person who is good at building a good relationship with teachers. When he was studying in the past, he could only be regarded as a good student, and no teacher had ever favored him. So if you take into account the normal conditions, he really may not be able to compare with Gu Juncheng.
  However, Cheng Xuyuan never shows weakness in such matters .
  "I said I will surpass you, so I will definitely surpass you." Cheng Xuyuan set the flag confidently, "Don't look down on others." "Okay." Gu Juncheng's tone also became serious. , "Since
  you are so persistent, I must also be responsible for your grades. The exams in college are very different from those in high school, and your daily performance is also very important. I will supervise you." Cheng Xuyuan had a very strange feeling in his
  heart, he has always been a strong person, but he does not reject this kind of "supervision" that Gu Juncheng said at all. "
  My goal is not high, just 4.83." Cheng Xuyuan smiled and said to Gu Juncheng, "Can it be achieved, Teacher Gu?"   Gu Juncheng kissed him on the forehead again, his movements more natural than last time, like a couple. intimate behavior. He said to him: "In order for me to have a wife in the future, I must do it. Go to sleep, good night kiss has been given to you."   Cheng Xuyuan also took the initiative to come over and carefully kissed him on the face, Then he said mischievously: "Give it back to you."   The two slept in the same bed all night, and nothing happened.   Early the next morning, when Cheng Xuyuan woke up, Gu Juncheng was no longer in bed. He got out of bed top-heavy. The clock on the wall was pointing to 9 o'clock.   As he passed by the table, he saw the note on the table.   "I'm going to buy breakfast.You go wash up and use my toothbrush."

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