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  Half a minute ago.
  "Tell me quickly," Cheng Xuyuan asked the system anxiously, "How can I unlock the plug-in's seal this time?" The system
  replied unhurriedly: "Qingqiu Fox has three seals on its body, and it is difficult to unlock them all. . The first seal requires a powerful magical energy impact. After being unlocked, Qingqiu Fox's innate skill - sharing can be unlocked."
  Although he didn't know what the skill "sharing" was, Cheng Xuyuan had no choice at the moment.
  A strong magical impact, right...
  So, the little fur ball boldly rushed in front of Yin Qingcheng, trying to anger the dark python.
  It exposed its tiny fangs at the giant python and kept making threatening noises. However, the giant python was not angry because of this. It easily swept the little fox aside with its tail and attacked the delicious human directly.
  Yin Qingcheng watched the fur ball being thrown aside. While he was moved, his heart was filled with despair.
  This time he was probably dead...
  The dark python opened its mouth, and the dark magic elements quickly formed a violent shock wave, hitting Yin Qingcheng with lightning speed.
  Yin Qingcheng closed his eyes as if resigned to his fate.
  Soon enough, the fur ball burst out with powerful jumping ability. Within a millisecond, a furry shadow rushed towards Yin Qingcheng.
  "Boom -"
  A deafening impact sounded in Yin Qingcheng's ears, but the pain he imagined did not appear. After a while, Yin Qingcheng slowly opened his eyes and saw the hair ball blocking his chest.
  That strong magical impact hit the little Qingqiu Fox, and the Dark Python obviously did not expect the scene in front of him. A trace of pity flashed in its eyes, and then it planned to launch a second attack.
  Yin Qingcheng looked at the motionless fur ball, his eyes widened, and shouted: "Fur ball--"
  Just as the dark python opened its mouth, the seemingly dead fur ball suddenly stood up and raised its ears again. He flicked his tail energetically.
  Yin Qingcheng and Giant Python were stunned again.
  The dark giant python spit out the message. Since this little fox wants to die so much, then help it. At first I didn't plan to kill it because it was so cute.
  The dark python's golden pupils flashed with murderous intent, and it raised its powerful snake tail, intending to hit the fur ball in the next second.
  However, a white shadow flashed before Yin Qingcheng's eyes, and the fur ball disappeared out of thin air!
  Before he could react, the fur ball quickly climbed to Yin Qingcheng's neck. It stretched out its pointed fangs and bit his smooth neck.
  "Ah..." Yin Qingcheng frowned in pain, wondering why the fur ball suddenly bit him.
  At this moment, something miraculous happened.
  The furball's body became transparent and then disappeared on his shoulders.
  Before Yin Qingcheng could figure out what happened, the scars on his body healed quickly and his strength gradually recovered. He tried to stand up and found that he could easily jump up from the ground.
  Unprecedented energy surged around Yin Qingcheng, a large amount of magic elements entered his body, and a faint silver-white halo enveloped the surface of his body.
  Qingqiu Fox's innate skill "sharing" is to possess himself in a "container".
  The dark giant python obviously noticed the unusual surge of aura, and instantly retracted its tail, not daring to act recklessly again.
  "Only you can hear my voice. Next..."
  Just as Yin Qingcheng opened his mouth in surprise, a voice sounded in his ears, a pleasant young voice. He subconsciously looked around, but didn't see the person speaking.
  "Be still, aim -"
  the system couldn't help but complain: "You started copying lines again, right? Can you recite the incantation properly?"
  As soon as he finished speaking, Yin Qingcheng's pupils shrank suddenly, and his right hand raised uncontrollably. , his index finger pointed straight at the dark python, a flaming cloud-penetrating arrow quickly formed at his fingertips, and with crackling sparks, it quickly shot towards the giant python.

  This series of actions seemed like he did it himself, or someone else did it for him. The conflicting feelings plunged him into endless confusion.
  The dark giant python dodged the cloud-penetrating arrow, and when it was annoyed, it made a hissing sound and quickly attacked Yin Qingcheng.
  "Use the power of the breeze." The strange young man's voice sounded in his ears again.
  Yin Qingcheng couldn't control himself, so he lightly jumped into the air, directly over the python's head, and floated in the air easily. His body was as light as a piece of paper.
  The dark giant python opened its mouth and fired a violent dark shock wave into the air. The scarlet snake letter was like a bloody whip.
  "By the order of my God of Thunder." The young man's voice came again.
  The moment Yin Qingcheng heard the sound, his body was out of control again.
  He couldn't help but put his hands on his chest, and the strong thunder magic element formed a thunder shield, easily blocking the python's attack.
  "Drive away all darkness--" There was a hint of solemnity in the voice beside my ears.
  Immediately afterwards, Yin Qingcheng's hands covering his chest emitted a dazzling light, the light magic elements suddenly gathered, and a fierce light lion rushed towards the dark python. │思│Rabbit│Online│Read│Read│Light
  has always been the nemesis of darkness. What's more, with the help of Qingqiu Fox's magical energy, the energy contained in this light lion has far exceeded that of a normal light lion. The overflowing light magic aura makes the giant python nowhere to hide.
  Facing the rapid impact of the light lion, the dark python shrank its eyes and had almost no ability to fight back. In the next second, it was knocked to the ground violently, and a terrifying huge hole was burned in its body by the light lion. A moment later, the dead python spit out a dark spiritual core from its mouth, and immediately lost its life.
  Yin Qingcheng controlled his body and slowly landed on the ground. The moment his feet touched the ground, the powerful magical aura on his body suddenly disappeared, and the halo on his body also disappeared without a trace. The fur ball jumped off his shoulder and threw itself into his arms.
  "Maoqiu... is that you?" Yin Qingcheng looked at the little fox in his arms in disbelief, "I heard the boy's voice just now, was it you?"
  Maoqiu moved his ears, with an innocent and cute look on his face. In fact, Cheng Xuyuan was thinking: Is there any need to ask? This protagonist is too late to realize it!
  "It's so... so amazing..." And the voice is so nice.
  Yin Qingcheng looked at his hand blankly. It turned out that he could also use such cool magic. It felt really cool.
  Unfortunately, he has been expelled from Shenwu Academy. If he had discovered that Maoqiu had this skill earlier, he wouldn't have failed the primary magic test.
  Yin Qingcheng arranged his clothes, picked up the space bag from the ground, and prepared to look around for another unicorn magic car. He looked at the fur ball hesitantly and said to it: "Little fur ball, I just realized that you are an unusual fox, so you can't come back to the human world with me..." The
  fur ball rubbed his chin like a baby.
  Yin Qingcheng suddenly heard the pleasant male voice just now, and felt uncomfortable for a moment. He always felt that this was not a pet acting coquettishly, but a boy making intimate gestures towards him.
  "...Okay, then I'll take you home, but you can't scare others." Yin Qingcheng was holding the fur ball and was about to go to a nearby inn.
  Suddenly, a black shadow passed over Yin Qingcheng's head. Then, a strong dark magic aura floated in the air again, and it was a hundred times more powerful than the last time!
  Yin Qingcheng hugged the fur ball nervously and said hurriedly: "If another snake appears later, you have to help me transform as soon as possible..."
  Hearing this, Cheng Xuyuan rolled his eyes in his heart. What transformation? Do you think you are a little devil?
  However, the worried situation did not happen, and the scene before his eyes made Yin Qingcheng fall into shock and sluggishness.
  On the ground not far away, countless dark giant pythons were crawling quickly, and the flowers, plants and trees were withering wherever they went. Their eyes are very determined, as if they have the same mission.
  And the direction these giant pythons are heading is actually the Shenwu Academy!
  "Oh my god..." Yin Qingcheng had seen the power of the giant python, and he was a little at a loss. "What should I do? Is the school in danger?"

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