Chapter 1: A Royal's Duty

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This book will contain diversity with the characters though it is set in a timeline where such did not exist this is however my book and my view of how the world could have been if racial issues and sexism had "ended" sooner. This is made believe and fiction, it will still included issues that can be related to the real world of today. I hope you enjoy the first book of this series and thanks for reading.♥

At the Bright Palace

Allura's POV:

"Welcome to forever my love. And it really was forever with my Jane Madeline." Oh to have a love like the one's in books. For a man to only have eyes for me, for him to know my touch, for him to declare his love for me in every lifetime, for him to always choose me. Unfortunately for me it will never happen because I am in reality and not in the fiction world.

I close my book placing it back on the shelf walking ahead to my favorite window in the library. The raindrops race down the glass and the smell of wet soil fills the room as I open the window slightly to feel the cold breeze. The sounds of horses in sync with the sound of the rain as they settle in the stables echoes in the room. The sound of heels tapping on the floor catch my attention I turn towards the sound as it get closer.

"Princess Allura your father summons you to the throne room at once." Maidservant Flora bows her head and curtseys to me. She is the oldest of all our servants and practically like a Grandmother to me. I have told her many times to not be so formal around me but she never intends to listen. "Has he only summoned me?" I hope he hasn't found out about me sleeping in the library for the past week trying to read as many books as possible before leaving for the academy. "No His Majesty has summoned the whole family. You should probably hurry he sounded tense." she steps aside as I make my way out the library.

Has the letter finally arrived? I had completely forgotten about it. The letter that could seal my life and ruin it has probably made its presence known to the family. I really do hope I am wrong. These stairs seem to be never ending today. I finally make it to the throne room. The door is slightly open and there is nothing but a loud silence in the room. Opening the door and walking in my heels sounding on the marble floor. My mother standing besides my father on the throne and my brother and sister sitting on either side of the table on their thrones. Everyone is focused on me.

I curtsey and take my seat. "Now that we are all here shall we begin?" my father asks and everyone nods their heads in response. He reveals an envelope that he has been holding. My heart stops beating, my sister squeezes my hand under the table as I start shaking as through shivering from cold weather. "King Grost has finally responded to us, and you are to be engaged to him Allura dear." As I try to calm down, I just smile in response because I am in no condition to speak from the shock.

"Father how on earth could you allow for this to happen ? Allura just turned 19 you are practically selling her off." My brother Samba usually never opposes my father's wishes this is the first time he has spoken and has raised his voice at father. "I am your king and I answer to no one. And you had better keep your tone in check. I know my daughter's age thank you for reminding me. They will be engaged for 2 years and when she turns 21 they will marry." My father responds in a harsh sharp tone. "But fa-" "Quiet." he yells the room shaking from his voice and the room gets silenced for a very long minute. "Can we all calm down. Samba you know your father means well for your sisters and you. One day you will be King and you will do things for kingdom sake it is your birth duty." Mother has always managed to keep everybody from fighting and she manages with the utmost of grace.

"You should all go and finish packing you leave tomorrow for the academy right? You should finish that up. Now you all are dismissed. Allura please stay behind." Everybody makes their way out as mother is the last out she shuts the door and it sounds like I have just been locked in the dangun. "Look dear I know that everything may be overwhelming but I am trying to secure a good future for you by picking a good suitor for you." He gets up from his throne, walking towards me in a slow pace he extends his hand for me to take so I can stand up. "I admit that this may seem crazy but it comes with being a royal. It's a royal's duty to put the kingdom before themselves. Lilly should be the one to wed but since it got called off you are to marry him now."

King Grost was originally meant to marry my sister but because of some issues my sister and the king called it off. And now because of their mistake I am now marrying him. They looked so good together, in love if you may but no one knows what happened not even me.

The look of "Do you understand" shimmers in his eyes. I have always wanted to make my parents proud so why not, right? "I understand father. I know what is expected of me. I won't let you down." I smile as he pulls me into a hug and gives me a kiss on the forehead.

If he could see my face right now. I had never thought that my love life would be decided for me. I had always wanted a love that would be like an unplanned story but this is nothing close to what my heart has desired at all. Such terrible destiny I have.

"I should go pack now." I pull away from him and he nods his head and I make my way out shutting the door behind me. I walk towards my room and the door is already open, I walk in on Lilly organizing my gowns for me. "Lilly? Did mother tell you to do this?" I ask shocked as she would never do anything if she isn't getting rewarded for it. "No I thought that it's the least I could do since I ruined your life." she says with sadness and emptiness in her eyes accompanied by a smile so untrue from her heart.

"You didn't ruin my life. I was bound to get married someday. I just never thought it would be to your former lover. You never told me why you and Aden broke off the engagement." she sighs and closes her eyes which she usually does when she is thinking of a lie to tell.

"Me and Aden were never going to work he expected that everyone should bow to him including his wife. And you know me, I am way to hotheaded for me to take my husband's words over my mindset." she laughs it off but I can tell that its a way of her stopping the tears inside her eyes.

Since we were little my parents gave her the role of being the strong one. And to date she has never strayed from the role when coming to family matter or I dare say burdens.

I walk closer and hug her. We rarely hug each other because she is not a touchy person. But whenever we do she always leaves her rose scent on me. Her scent always reminds me that she actually is human because of her strength I tend to forget sometimes.

"Enough of cheesing about. You are a senior this year which means you will be able to run for Royal Seltor. You have to be seen this year okay. I won that title so you have to win it again. No pressure." She smiles after dropping the pressure bomb. We both just laugh because we both know very well the pressure is on.

"What are you two giggling about?" Samba enters the conversation leaning on the door eating some sort of sandwich I think. "None of your business, little brother." Lilly answers in a baby voice. "Whatever. We are leaving at 8 in the morning. And that's future King to you." he walk off shoving the whole sandwich in his mouth. We continue packing for one hour and then we go to sleep. Early in the morning we eat breakfast and ready the carriage.

"Allura this year you get to take part in the Royal Seltor. You know the stakes Lilly and Samba have already claimed it. We expect the same from you." My father making clear the expectation doesn't shock me its not the first time having to live to the standards of my brilliant siblings. My mother bids us farewell, a kiss and hug for Samba, a kiss for Lilly and a kiss for me as well. We get in the carriage and make our way.

This year is going to be an uncontrollable one I can feel it. I am to be engaged, win a title, try and be seen when I don't want to be. All for my kingdom all because I am Princess Allura.

 All for my kingdom all because I am Princess Allura

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