Chapter 5: Former admirer

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Allura's POV:

I am so sick and tired of having to be in the same presence as him. Every second I am near him I am reminded of the naive little girl that got her heart broken because of him. I wish my heart would have never gave him a place in it.

"Allura I am so sorry for leaving you alone. Last time I checked you were with some students talking." We enter the garden and approach a bench. "It's okay Ruby, besides you and Miguel found me anyway. I just wish I never came to this stupid party to begin with." Miguel takes a seat next to me and says nothing but I can feel he has a lot to say.

"I will go back in and grab our bags so that we can head back to the chambers then." Ruby heads back leaving me and Miguel alone. I bet he thought these days were over. I remember always telling him about the girls that would always pick on me when I had a crush on his brother. He would always listen and try to cheer me up afterwards.

"Listen, I know I might always defend my brother and you must be sick of it. So today I would like to take your side fully. Unlike my brother I can tell when a girl is part of the good or bad bunch." he takes my hand in his making sure that I am present in the conversation causing me to look him in the eyes. I will really never stop wondering why he doesn't dislike me like his brother does. Why is he different?

"I am glad, I know he is your brother but I can't stand him. He knows everything and still choses to stand by Cara." I respond. "He does that to keep his reputation, you know how he is about that stuff." he makes an awkward smile knowing well I hate what he just said. "Don't try shining his image for me because it's impossible." I end off. "I could care less what you think of me." We both turn our head to Pedro walking in the conversation.

"Why are you here?" Miguel asks in an annoyed tone. "Well I can go wherever I want brother." Roll in sibling bickering. "Shouldn't you be cuddling with Cara after doing a good job defending her." Miguel snaps. His friend calls him over and before he can respond he goes to attend to his friend.

"I know you hate Cara but blaming me is utterly ridiculous." he spits out in harsh tone. "Excuse me, but maybe if you kept your little honey in line nothing would ever go wrong." I stand up walking towards him leaving little distance between so I can look him in the eyes. "This. This right here. Why on earth would I want a girl who is nothing more than a push over. Never have never will." The words leave his mouth stabbing my heart with each one uttered.

There it is the feeling of rejection again. The lump suffocating the loud drop off my heart what he made me feel all those years ago when he would reject me. He reminded me of those painful memories.


Age 10

"Ruby do you think this dress looks pretty?" I ask twirling in front of the mirror today was Pedro birthday and since our parents are friends we get to go. "For the tenth time, Yes now please can we go outside I bet the teachers already left for the ballroom." Ruby shouts with already one foot of the door.

"Wow Lura you look very pretty today." Miguel walks in with a sunflower in his hand. "Thank you Smiley. Happy Birthday. " "I thought you would wear yellow that's why I got you this little sunflower." He places it in my hair. "She was, then yesterday when you told her Pedro's favorite color is blue she changed her mind." I glare at her and she sticks out her tongue.

"Oh so that's why you asked that random question." he gives me the I got you look. "You know she would do anything for Pedro." Ruby adds. "Yeah I know...we should get going." he walks out and we all follow behind him. The room was filled with party games and candy. I got in the room looking for Pedro. I finally spot him surrounded by princesses. I take up all the courage in me to walk up to him and wish him a happy birthday. I walk up to him.

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