Chapter 12 : A storm awakens.

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The Legionnaires meticulously prepared for the impending clash, leaving no detail untouched. In the pre-dawn hours, the air was thick with anticipation, a swirling symphony of coal smoke and steam that engulfed the battlefield. The once fertile field, now churned into a quagmire of mud, bore the weight of the impending battle, each footstep sinking into the mire with a squelching sound.

The makeshift forts, once humble shelters, had been transformed into formidable bastions of war, their walls reinforced with timber and sandbags. Vibrant hives of ceaseless activity, they buzzed with the relentless energy of warriors ready to embrace their destiny. Soldiers moved with purpose, reinforcing defences, checking ammunition reserves, and sharpening blades. The clanging of hammers against metal and the rhythmic marching of boots echoed through the air, a testament to their unwavering determination.

Beside the forts, the sprawling cavalry compounds burst into life, their awakening a breath taking spectacle. Like dormant giants stirring from slumber, the colossal vehicles groaned and rumbled, their iron and steel frames gleaming in the pale light of dawn. Rows upon rows of ten vehicles stood in perfect formation, a testament to the sheer might about to be unleashed upon the enemy.

Stokers, their brows glistening with sweat, toiled relentlessly in the belly of these mechanical beasts. Their hands covered in soot, they fed the insatiable hunger of the Juno generators, crafted by the enigmatic Druids of the Hawthorne. These magnificent machines harnessed the very essence of the gods, their intricate mechanisms converting the might of steam into a pulsating surge of electrifying power. The air trembled with the raw energy that coursed through the veins of the smaller armoured vehicles, charging their batteries and igniting their potential.

Amidst the fervour, the Scouts and armoured personnel carriers emerged, their arrival heralding the imminent storm. The Cataphract tanks, colossal behemoths crafted from iron and steel, cast an imposing shadow upon the battlefield. They stood as towering titans, their immense size dwarfing even the mightiest of war elephants. The ground quaked beneath their weight as a crew of twelve worked in a fevered dance within their formidable frames.

Stokers, their faces smudged with grime, tended to the mighty internal Juno steam engines with unwavering determination. Engineers, their eyes fixed upon the ethereal dance of steam, watched as it filled the labyrinthine network of pipes and tanks. They studied the colossal dials, their massive hands ticking with anticipation, waiting for the perfect moment. And when the pressure reached its zenith, the monumental brass valves were resolutely twisted, breathing life into the tanks. A symphony of hissing steam erupted, heralding the awakening of these mechanical beasts. Pistons began to move, setting in motion a ballet of immense gears and cogs.

The tank commander, driver, and gunners fused into a single entity, their movements fluid and precise. With meticulous precision, they completed their start-up checklists, each action a step closer to unleashing the fury of war. The thunderous rumble of engines filled the air, sending tremors through the hearts of the Legionnaires, reminding them of the power they possessed.

But the true marvel awaited, standing as a testament to the might of the 9th Legion-the awe-inspiring Manticores. These self-propelled guns, adorned with sacred runes and amulets, were the epitome of destructive power. Their scarred exteriors bore witness to countless battles, each mark a testament to their fearsome reputation. They stood tall and proud, their presence commanding awe and respect.

These colossal mobile weapons, known as the Emperor's Fist, possessed the capacity to lay waste to even the most impenetrable fortifications. They had etched their name in history during the fabled D-Day invasion of Normandy, their thunderous might instrumental in obliterating the Gothic Atlantic Wall. The Manticores were carefully positioned, their barrels pointing ominously towards the enemy lines, ready to unleash devastation upon command.

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