Chapter 2 : The hunted.

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The wheel of time had turned twice, marking two gruelling days. The rhythm of light and darkness had danced their eternal waltz as the survivors, remnants of the brutal assault on the lookout post, painstakingly etched a winding path back towards the sanctuary of the Artillery command and control bunker that protected the Hindenburg line and the huge Imperial Gothic Naval yard. They were like a lost ship navigating through a stormy sea, doubling back over their tracks repeatedly, an attempt to vanish into the canvas of the war-torn landscape.

The young Goth troopers of the 31st Panzer storm grenadiers were drained, their bodies screaming for rest, their bellies aching from hunger. Somewhere in the nebulous shadows, an unseen predator lurked, stalking them with the patience and precision of a wolf tracking its prey. Fear, cold and biting, seeped into their marrow, clutching their hearts in a vice-like grip.

A young Bavarian Corporal had been thrust into command, a role bestowed upon him in the wake of destruction that the Imperium's heavy artillery had rained down on the observation post. This Corporal, the young communications runner named Adolf Himmler, was no stranger to the gruesome horrors of trench warfare. Yet, as he led his men through the treacherous openness of the fields and the suffocating darkness of the dense forest, he found himself yearning for the grim safety of the muddy trenches. Each shadow seemed to hide a threat, every sound a signal of doom, ratcheting up the tension that was already stretched taut as a bowstring.

In the throes of an arduous stalemate, the Gothic Engineers had, with a genius born of desperation, woven a network of hidden tunnels into the very heart of their defensive fortifications. These secret veins, hidden from the prying eyes of the Imperium, were a testament to their cunning and resilience. The Hindenburg line, with its formidable stone and steel walls, concrete bunkers, and daunting gun positions, stood as a sentinel, safeguarding the Gothic Army from the relentless onslaught of the legions.

Primus Pilus Tiberius, the hardened Centurion of the 1st Reconnaissance Centuriae, of the 1st Cohort from the 5th Legion of the Imperium Britannia, was well aware of this subterranean labyrinth. He knew that the survivors of the observation post, currently on the run, were privy to the location of these hidden entrances. His mind buzzed with the tantalizing possibility of locating one such entrance and infiltrating the Hindenburg line defences with his elite force of reconnaissance legionnaires. A move such as this would require more than brute force; it would demand stealth, guile, and a wolf-like cunning.

It was a daunting task, but the reward was too great to ignore. If successful, he could shatter the deadlock, bringing an abrupt end to an eight-year-long war of attrition, a war that had swallowed countless lives into its unforgiving maw. Tiberius was weary of the trench warfare, the endless mud, the constant bombardment, and the senseless loss of life. This was his chance to cut the Gordian knot, to bring an end to the seemingly endless cycle of bloodshed.

Marcus and Claudius, elite scout snipers, possessed unparalleled expertise in the art of killing. They had claimed countless enemy lives, exhibiting skills that were second to none. Tasked by Tiberius, they diligently followed every step of their mission, meticulously observing the breaths of the escaping enemy soldiers.

Now, with the frightened young soldiers setting up camp, Marcus and Claudius knew that it would require one final act of horror to force the enemy to make a desperate dash for the hidden tunnels. Once the enemy made their move, the seasoned hunters would be prepared to relay their location to their esteemed Commander. The upcoming decisions would be crucial in breaking the deadlock, and their actions in the next few hours would decisively impact the ensuing battle.

But amidst the palpable anticipation and vivid visualization, a sense of glorious anticipation enveloped the hearts of Marcus and Claudius. It surged through their veins, igniting a fiery determination that burned brighter with each passing moment. They couldn't help but feel that their actions, as daunting as they were, would unleash an indomitable spirit upon the battlefield.

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