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Just a few feet ahead, in the middle of the split sea. A Tridant stood in a stand of coral and sea foam. The young brown haired man shouted. "QUICKLY!!" You nodiced how much he looked like william, and Elizabeth- He had to be the Turnner Jack had mentioned helping. Then you saw the ghost men makeing there way into the water. As Turnner ran for the Tridant Jack followed and they both fell down the slope of sand.

You Helped The young lady down the slope as Jack and Turnner vanished behind a bit of hill, headed for the Triant. You and the young lady made it down in time to see Something come over Turnner, His eyes turned black and the same black ash seeped though cracked portions of his skin. The laugh that came from him was the same gargled chuckle that came from the ghost captian. You said softly as Turnner unwillingly swung at Jack. "He's possessed." The young Lady ran up to them and started shouting while Jack and Turnner went at it, clashing swords. You nodiced the ghost men in the water, closeing in around you all. You drew your sword and pulled the young lady back. She glared at you then gave the ghost men a rude gesture while shouting at them. "Piss off!!" You watched the ghost men. But they couldent leave the water and just watched Jack and Turnner with dripping, black liquid grins. You looked back in time to see Turnner stab a sword, right twords Jacks heart. Time stilled as you watched the blade and run forward to catch it with your sword.

You caught it just in time and Jack looked too you. He looked taken aback and impressed as you twirled yours and Turnners swords, causeing Turnner to take a few steps back. You had become far more skilled sence working for Teauges merchant ships, and learning from Teauge himself. You spoke while stepping in place of Jack sword meeting Turnners once agian as the possessed boy lunged at you. "Get the Triant!" Just as you were about to make a move to losen the boys grip on his sword, his attention shifted and he ran past you and Jack.

He ran twords the young lady and shouted gutteral pure anger. You and Jack quickly ran after. You ran up and tripped the boy  just as Jack used the hilt of his gun to wack the boy across the head. He was stunned and that gave the young lady just enough time to drop the Triant and stomp on it. The boy seemed to regain his sences quickly. And you all saw the sea begin to fall in on itself, The water began to reflood its empty path. You wouldent be able to make it up the steep hill you walked down before.

A loud clank and creek came from behind you all and you turned to see the ancher dropped. Barbossa hung from the ancher and shouted. "Climb up quick now!" You shoved Turnner twords the ancher and stood infront of him and the young lady as they hopped onto the ancher. The water was now up to your ankles and the ghost men were closeing in swiftly on you and Jack. You and Jack watched eatch others back eatch beginning to climb opposite one another. You were just out of reatch of the ghost men when suddently the ghost Captian jumped onto the ancher. Jack quickly began to climb his way up higher and you swung at the ghost Captian. He began to look more and more alive, the cracks and ash leaveing his form. You hit his hand and he shouted. Letting go of the ancher but grabbing the young ladys ankle. She screamed and you tryed to get a good angle to hit the ghost Captians wrist.

The ghost Captian swung up hard and drove his sword though your hand. You shouted in pain and dropped your sword. Barbossa climbed down and grabbed the young ladys hand as she began to slip, causeing the ghost Captian to let her ankle go and grab the ancher chain. Jack climbed down beside Barbossa and grabbed the back of your shirt, pulling you up close to him. You smelled the rum and sea on him. You focused on that to try and avoid the seering pain in your hand. You tryed to lose yourself in the feeling of Jacks arm around you, one of your hands keeping you attached to the ancher. But you heard the young lady ask. "Who am i to you?!" Barbossa replayed, kind and warm nothing youd ever heard from him before. "Treasure." You looked up, Barbossa pulled her back onto the ancher and let himself go. She screamed broken hearted. The ancher rised and Barbossa grabbed the ghost Captian, bringing him down with him into the sea. You saw Barbossa close his eyes. He had lived long, he had been hell and seen it. Barboosa was ready to go. You looked to the Ghost Captian, Humanity colored his face, a flushed tan. The Triant, you read about it before, to break the Tridant was to break the curses of the sea. It began to rain as the ghost Captian turned to ash, just as he hit the water. You turned to look at Jack. Jack was looking down, that sober look in his eyes, and what you knew he would call rain laced his eyes. Nothing more was said that day, you all made it back onto The Black Pearl. The sea was full once agian and the rain and thunder coverd any tears or sobs. The young lady cried into the Turnners shoulder. The crew did there dutys or took there hats off closeing there eyes in respect. Jack took his hat off and stood at the edge of the ship. You stood beside him. Rain, thats all it was.

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