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Song: Sarcophogus- do not resurrect, KEDALOS

Song: Sarcophogus- do not resurrect, KEDALOS

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The Gambler

I was going to fucking kill them. All of them were going to die. It didn't matter who. I had to do whatever it took to keep what is owed to me safe.

That witch was mine.

The contract was sealed in blood and I sure as hell wouldn't stand to have some mortal hunter getting handsy with her.

Fucking bastards.

Des revved the engine to his motorcycle.

"What's the plan, boss," he asked.

"Stir up some trouble. Draw them out. Whatever it takes. I want whoever did this with their head on fucking platter," I snarled. "Take Sam with you."

Des grinned wildly. "That's what I like to hear," he laughed. "Hey, Sammy... guess who gets to fuck shit up again..."

I stormed past Levi who was already tugging  on his boots.

"Where ya headed," he asked blandly.

"Out," I snapped.

"Should I— just sit here picking daisies or..."

"Get your ass up and follow me," I said grimly.

"Gladly," he muttered, keeping in stride with me.

"Tell me again what you saw with the hunter," I growled, not slowing my pace.

Levi sighed heavily. "Oh, you know. The usual— death and destruction to those who practice witchcraft."

"Levi," I said sharply, teeth clenched. "Quit being a smartass and tell me exactly what you heard."

"They're planning some sort of mass cleansing," he said. "I don't know. If that doesn't work, they're going to burn them all."

"Oh, fuck me," I groaned.

"I would, but you'd have to buy me a drink first," he teased.

I would have laughed at that if I wasn't so pissed the fuck off. What the hell was she even doing out in the woods by herself? The sheer lack of situational awareness baffled me.

"Come on. We are going to be performing a cleansing of our own," I grumbled.

I had no interest in the coven that resided here. My first and only priority was keeping my assets safe. I wasn't in the business of charity, but if killing the hunters meant helping some of the less fortunate?

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