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finally have to start making shit up again to go with the story. stay tuned for the romance  (ㅅ' ˘ ')

not proofread!!


after ego was done explaining what the point of blue lock was this time around, the background behind the france players opened, revealing a whole obstacle course. "the hell is that..?" karasu leaned down to your height, glancing at you with an interested reaction.

"this is like super mario.." you whispered, your eyes scanning the entire course. "nagi would have a field day if he wasn't such a lazy fuck"

an sudden and muffled laugh came from karasu just before loki, the coach for pxg began speaking. you had to elbow karasu to shut the fuck up so you could listen to what he was saying, only finding his eyes narrowed on you and karasu as he spoke, karasu still not finding it in him to shut up.

but with an exasperated sigh, loki continued.

none of you really understood what he was saying as he spoke in a different language. it was pretty much useless for him to have a whole speech while facing the blue lock crowd, all of you standing with confused faces as he spoke french at you.

"good luck, blue lock" he spoke in english before walking through a cloud of mist and through a door all dramatically.

murmurs of confusion sounded all around you, everyone looking in confusion at each other. your eyes unintentionally went towards where rin stood, an annoyed pouty look on his face as he seemed to study the fun looking obstacle course.

a buzzing sound came from somewhere in the room, making you look around for the source.

"there," karasu gently guided your head with his hand cupping the bottom of your face to see where there was a countdown from ten, going to nine when your eyes met it. "i assume its a race?" your eyes followed his to the top of the obstacle course.

"this is so super mario.." you whispered once more in awe.

"that loki guy or whatever said to reach the goal," shidou spoke from his place, stretching his arms over his head. "said he'd be waiting or whatever"

your eyes narrowed in confusion. he knew french? "how the hell do you know that" a new voice sounded and of course it was rin. you could almost already feel the moment when they'd run at each other and start swinging with the intention of killing.

"some of us have picked up a few languages throughout our lives, rin rin.." shidou shot a mocking grin towards where rin scowled at him.

"how many times have i said to not fucking call me that, roach"

"i think it's a countdown?" another guy said. you briefly remembered him, only because he was a little slow and wore glasses. apparently, according to him, they would make him smarter.

karasu scoffed from beside you, obviously not amused. "yeah, no shit, dumbass" he called over with a roll of his eyes, earning a few muffled laughs from the others around you.

"don't be mean," you scolded with a light nudge to karasu's ribs, nearly laughing once you saw his scowl. "its not his fault he's a little bit stupid" a breathy laugh fell from your lips, slightly falling into karasu from losing your balance.

"better get ready, babe.." karasu helped you upright again, a heavy hand on the top of your head to keep you steady. "hope you didn't get out of shape on our break.. this ones gonna be rough"

all of the sudden, the timer hit zero and a loud buzzer sounded through the room, indicating that it was time to start running. "ah fuck.." you slightly stumbled over your feet, you hands in your hair as you tried your best to put it up as quickly as possible while running, only for the messy attempt at a ponytail to fall out not even two steps after your arms fell to your sides.

you reached where karasu was near the head of the heard by the time you got to the steep incline, groaning out a shaky breath when you nearly tumbled backwards. it wasn't necessarily hard to keep up with your speed, surpassing even karasu who had a better start than you did near the top of the incline.

"jesus fucking-" you huffed out at the ladder sprint, already feeling sharp pains in the entirety of your legs every time you brought your knees up high- higher than the others with your try hard flexibility mindset. it was hard not to cringe at yourself.

it was then that your eyes found focus on the timers that timed how long you spent on each zone. seeing the 22 seconds on the screen once you reached the step jumps did wonders to your ego after glancing behind you to see many others way further back than where you were. your only other goal was to surpass that shidou fucker, some other blue lock member, and a few of the france players that were ahead of you.

also to pass rin, who had been at the same pace as you since the top of the incline, muttering curse words every now and then.

with half of your focus on rin, you lost your footing, falling sideways and onto your left leg. it took you not even a second for your brain to fix itself and make you push yourself upwards and immediately start running again.

you mentally cursed yourself for focusing on rin and letting a few more players pass you, as well as rin, who was already on the next stage.

'fuck..' your eyes fell on the screen which already began showcasing the goals that people were making.

sweat was streaming down from your hairline once you finally reached the last stage, running quickly with the football to shoot for the middle of the target. with your eyes burning from the sweat and your legs aching from you pushing yourself to hard, the ball hit the twenty five on the target, making you throw your head back in frustration with a loud groan.

you let yourself fall to the ground staring at the target with your hands in your now dampened hair once more, holding it up and off from your wet and sticky skin.

"you alright down there?" you didn't even need to look up to see karasu's figure, already seeing from the corner of your eye as he wiped the sweat from his forehead with his forearm. "shut the hell up.." your mind was clouded with frustration and annoyance, making your tone way sharper than you realized.

karasu didn't mind, though. it was you after all. "yeah, i know.." he huffed, falling down to the ground next you you. "that shit was pretty rough. i did say that though, didn't i?"

"yeah.. you did.." you muttered, looking up at the ceiling lights before closing your eyes. "i hit fucking twenty five.. so fucking pathetic"

your annoyance was clear to karasu, making him cautious with his next words as to not make you mad.

"don't even worry about it, hm? it was hard to do after no preparation for it.." he looked up at the ceiling to copy your actions. "plus, this is only the beginning. you have plenty more chances to show that you're better than a lot of us"

"guess so.." you muttered, letting your limbs and the rest of your body relax after such a grueling course.


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