Till Death Do Us Part

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Sanemi ended up leaving to send the marriage contracts back to the master. And after that was situated he found out who still owned the land their old village laid on. He sent a letter with the help of Shinobu. It stated that he requested to buy the land and he was willing to pay what he needed to get it. And he did, for the rest of the week, he ended up getting the land and had the Kakushi workers work on getting rid of the old building except one and having them fix it up for the two of them.

Giyuu grew more nervous trying to find a gift suitable for Sanemi. His foot was healed so he was going to every single store he thought had something but he thought everything sucked. So he went to one person that was suitable for this. The Love Hashira Misturi Kanroji. "You know I am really glad you asked for my help Tomioka-san." Misturi said as they walked down a town. "You are doing me a big favor Misturi, but why did you have to come Obanai?" Giyuu asked as Obanai stood on the other side of him. "Well to make sure nothing happens to Misturi and Shinazugawa is a good friend so why not?"

"He is lying, Shinazugawa is his best friend" She teased but Obanai would not snap at her for anything. "Whatever now hurry up and find something suitable for the crack head." They kept walking and walking. It was now night time and they still hadn't found anything Giyuu thought was good enough. "This is pointless." Giyuu said as they were now re walking back down the line of shops they walked down during the day. "Don't say that Tomioka-san. Here why don't we take a break? Go rest your foot, you did just get over an injury. We will go get some food." She pointed to a bench in the distance, Giyuu nodded and walked to in and sat down looking at the sky, he watched the small twinkling lights, but a noise in the distance caught his attention, it was a cart that an older woman was pushing, there were bells and other small things hanging from it. She was approaching Giyuu. "Hello, young man you look like your in some distress is there anything I can help with?" She asked. 

"Ummm, well I'm getting married soon and I have been here all day trying to find my wedding gift. But everything doesn't seem to look right to me." He explained. "Well since it is a wedding gift explain what your partner is like. "He is hard headed, he can have a temper, but he can be kind and when we he is determined to do something he won't give up until it is done." He looked at the woman she was thinking and then she went to her cart and started to shuffle through somethings. Until she came back with two strings, that had small bells on them along with a small charm. She handed them to Giyuu. "What is it?" He inspected the strings, one was blue with a blue bell and the charm was of some flowers, the other was the same but green. "Give him the blue one and you keep the green one, because even if you are separated from him as long as he has his and you have yours you will always be together. I can see that you love him and care for him." She explained. Giyuu's face heated up. "Oh, no you've gotten it all wrong. We are only getting married for work, it is an arranged marriage neither of us want it." Giyuu explained he didn't know why saying those words hurt inside. "You know that is not true, they way you speak of him, I can see it. You love him." 

"But he doesn't love me?" Giyuu questioned her words. "And how do you know that? You will learn more about his secrets, if you are getting him a gift that must mean he is getting you one. Even if he doesn't love you, he will learn to." She grabbed her car and started to push it and kept walking, Giyuu sat there with the strings in his hands. He had never thought about loving Sanemi before. He sighed and put them in his pocket. Misturi and Obanai were walking back with food. "While we eat, let's head home." Giyuu said grabbing his food. "What about yours gift to Shinazugawa?" Misturi asked. "I already got it. And old woman passing through with a cart helped me find a gift." He explained he didn't say anything else as they walked home.

With Sanemi he was at home wondering what Tomioka was doing. He wanted to go see him, but he thought he should wait until the day of the marriage contract signing. He had nothing better to do, but his mind kept thinking of Giyuu so he got up and went to Giyuu's estate. He knocked on the door and waited, the door was locked. He sighed when no one answered. He turned around but stopped when she saw Giyuu behind him. "Sanemi?" Giyuu called out to him. "Giyuu." Sanemi said to try and keep his cool. "Oh, you guys are on a first name basis now?" Obanai said as he and Misturi were still standing there. "We are getting married so, why wouldn't we call each other by our names?" Sanemi said. "My bad, then." Obanai stood there with Misturi but they looked at each other and ended up leaving since they were basically third wheeling.

"Where were you?" Sanemi asked. "Umm, in town. To be honest I was looking for my wedding gift to you..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Oh, did you find anything?" Sanemi asked. "No, most stores didn't have exactly what I was looking for." A lie. Giyuu didn't want Sanemi to question his gift or ask to see it. "Well take your time. Have you eaten?" Sanemi asked. "I have. But it was just some small street food, I will find something to make." Giyuu said as he was walking closer. "Why don't I make you something? I'm already here." Sanemi said looking into Giyuu's eyes, Giyuu also was looking into Sanemi's. "Alright then, come inside." He unlocked the door and held it open for Sanemi, they both took off the geta shoes and left them by the sliding doors. The walked inside and Sanemi went to Tomioka's kitchen looking for stuff to make, Giyuu had gone up stairs to change out of his uniform without Sanemi's knowledge. Sanemi found some food and started to make the food and left it to sit in the heat to cook for a second. "Giyuu?" He turned around and he saw nobody behind him, he walked upstairs and went to Giyuu's room, instead of knocking he just opened the door which he regretted because Giyuu might actually just kill him. He was looking straight into Giyuu's bare back, Giyuu was putting on a blue yukata he pulled it over his soldiers slowly, Sanemi had all the time in the world to close the door and walk away, but his eyes were glued to Giyuu. He didn't even notice Giyuu turning around. "Sanemi?" Giyuu called out to Sanemi, Sanemi finally snapping out of his thoughts. "Sorry for just opening the door Giyuu. I was coming to find you because you disappeared." Sanemi explained. "Oh, sorry. I wanted to change out of my uniform. Shall we go back down stairs?" Giyuu suggested Sanemi nodded and they went down stairs. Giyuu sat down and waited for Sanemi to finish cooking, when he was just waiting for the food to cook his eyes drifted to Giyuu who was sitting down, he was had taken his hair down and was retying it into a bun. Sanemi had never seen Giyuu with a different hair style other than his low ponytail, he thought it suited him. 

Sanemi finished the food and plated it and brought it to the table for him and Giyuu to eat. He sat down across from him and they started to eat in a comfortable silence and neither of them could complain. In the end Sanemi and Giyuu both cleaned the plates and put them away. "Thank you for the meal." Giyuu said as he was walking Sanemi to the door. "No problem. I will see you tomorrow night for dinner then?" Sanemi asked. "I would love that, but don't you mean tonight?" Giyuu said in a teasing manner this time he let Sanemi see his smile. Sanemi's mind stopped all he could see was that smile. But he needed to respond. "U-uh what do mean?" Sanemi said embarrassed to stutter his words. "It is midnight you came here pretty late." Giyuu said with the same small smile. "Alright then I'll see you tonight, Giyuu." Sanemi smiled. "I look forward to it, Sanemi." They both smiled at each other but the regretted parting ways when Sanemi disappeared from the water estate. They both sighed realizing they both were falling ten times harder for each other.


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