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It's been 3 years since Izuku met Shigaraki. Through those years Shigaraki and Izuku been getting close. Izuku sees Shigaraki as a older brother while Shigaraki sees Izuku as a little brother.

Izuku's POV

Right now I am in a 1v1 fight with Shiggy in a deserted town, while dad and Kurogiri watches us from the sidelines. Usually Shiggy wins the fight against me but that was like months ago. I have been training on various types of combat skills since I turned 8, so my combat skills has improved significantly over time. The first combat skills I've learned was quirkless combat like kung fu, jiu jitsu, stealth, and more. The second skill I've learned is how to fight and weld weapons like knives, guns, bow n' arrow, booby traps, and more. After I was skilled in weaponry I started to copy hero's combat skills. That's where I found out underground heroes existed. That is also where I found a underground hero who is called by the alias, Eraserhaed. I've tried to learn Eraserhaed's combat skills, but I've gotten to so little successes. I've considered learning hacking techniques, but I've just done some basic coding.

Shiggy (Shigaraki): hay Izu! Is your mind on the battlefield or somewhere else?

I look up to see Shiggy coming towards me.

Me: yah sorry, I was just daydreaming.

Shiggy: well get your mind back to the battle before I beat you again.

Shiggy tried to hit me with a kick but I dodged it easily.

Me: ha! Again? You haven't beaten me in months. Also I think you're getting sloppy. Have you been slacking off lately?

I snuck up to shiggy and kicked him in the gut. Which made him fall backwards on his butt.

Shiggy: ugh! ... So what if I am! It also looks like you have gotten stronger.

Shiggy got up from the ground. Which I took that to my advantage. I tried to kick him on his side, which I knew he will dodge that's why I put a trap for him. When Shiggy dodged he jumped and fell in my trap. He slipped on a stick and made him loose his balance. I caught shiggy from falling which made me hug him, while I took out one of my pocket knifes that was hidden in my back pocket and put it up to his neck. That's what made my dad clap to end the battle.

Dad(Hisashi): Okay! That Game!

When I heard that I broke the hug and put my pocket knife up.

Shiggy: ugh! Dammit how did I not see that!? I want a rematch!

Me: It's the 6th rematch today. I need a break.

I walked towards my dad and Kurogiri to sit down against the tree he was under. Shiggy walked after me and sat beside me and muttered something.

Me: it's okay. We can do a rematch tomorrow.

Shiggy look at me then nothing. I smiled at him and I swear, I saw him smile back. Kurogiri went up to us with two bottles of water.

Kurogiri: here's some water you two.

I took both of the water bottles and gave one to Shiggy. Then looked back at Kurogiri.

Me: Thank You, Kurogiri.

Kurogiri: You're welcome.

Kurogiri left and I looked back at shiggy and Shiggy look at me. When shiggy and I was in eye contact I felt a slight headache. I've been having slight headaches for the past couple weeks and it's always when I make eye contact with someone. I don't know why but it's weird.

Shiggy: hay is any one home?

I snapped out of my thoughts and saw Shiggy waving his hand in front of my face

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