You're WHAT!?

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3rd POV

Dr. Garaki got another chair for Izuku to use.

Izuku: Sorry.

Dr. Garaki: No it's okay. You just figured out that you have a quirk so you most likely don't know how to use it.

Izuku: Umm... yah... Dr. Garaki...

Dr. Garaki: yes?

Izuku: What is my quirk?

Dr. Garaki: Well from what the results say from your tests, is that you quirk can copy, take, transfer, storage, and destroy quirks. You can copy a person's quirk when the person and you are in eye contact. You can take a person's quirk if you touch the person. You can transfer a quirk to a person if you touch the person's forehead. You can storage a quirk if you don't want to use the quirk you have copied or taken. You can destroy a copy quirk or a original quirk that you have in your storage. The drawbacks are that you will have slight headaches every time you copy a quirk, You cannot transfer a quirk that you have copied to someone else, You will get exhausted, nose bleeds, headaches, and might blackout if you uses too many quirks at once, and you can destroy copy quirks but If you destroy a original quirk you can not bring back the quirk you have destroyed.

Izuku: Wow, I have a powerful quirk.

Dr. Garaki: why yes you do. It's just like your father but more evolved.

Izuku: huh? But my dad's quirk is fire breath?

Dr. Garaki: oh! Sir you haven't told him yet?

Izuku: Haven't told me what?

Hisashi: No Dr. Garaki, I haven't.

Dr.Garaki: I think that you have to now.

Kurogiri: Yes I do think it is time.


Hisashi: May I ask you to let us be alone with Izuku, Dr. Garaki?

Dr. Garaki: Yes you may.

Dr. Garaki left the room leaving Kurogiri, Shigaraki, Hisashi, and Izuku alone in the room.

Izuku: so is anyone going to tell me what is happening?

Shigaraki: Yes we are, Sorry Izu.

Hisashi: I'll be the one to explain.

Shigaraki: are you going to tell him?

Hisashi: yes.

Kurogiri: everything?

Hisashi: .... Yes

Izuku: Tell me what?

Hisashi: well Izu fire breath isn't my original quirk.

Izuku: what do you mean?

Hisashi: my original quirk is called All for One.

Izuku: What?

Hisashi: well All For One is a quirk that can take quirks. The quirk fire breath is not my original quirk.


Hisashi: Well, I didn't telling you because we think if we tell you, you will hate us and run away.

Izuku: Y-Yes I'm upset that none of you never told me that you had a different quirk, but why will I hate you all for that.

Hisashi: n-no I don't think you will hate us for that. We think you will hate us when you find out that we are ...

Izuku: Are what?

The room was silent for a long while till Kurogiri broke the silence.

Kurogiri: are you going to tell him?

Kurogiri looked at Hisashi. Which Hisashi looked down and shook his head to say no. Kurogiri sighed then he looked at Shigaraki and Shigaraki looked away. Then he looked at Izuku which Izuku looked at him.

Kurogiri: Well it looks like I'll be the one to tell you. Izuku, we think you will hate us because we are .... Villains.

The room was silent again but was way longer than before. Izuku was dumbfounded and didn't know what to say. Then Izuku thought it was all a joke.

Izuku: hahaha. If this a joke it's not funny.

Shigaraki looked at the floor and was nervous. While Hisashi just looked guilty. Kurogiri just didn't say nothing.

Izuku: Come on the joke over. ...

Everyone: ....

Izuku started to get worried.

Hisashi: Izuku, this isn't a joke.

Izuku was processing everything all over again.

Izuku: if this isn't a joke. That means ...

Everyone was just silent.

Izuku: YOU'RE WHAT!?

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