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Izuku got back home. Kurogiri was the first person to greet Izuku.

Kurogiri: Hello Izuku. How was your walk?

Izuku: It was ok I guess.

Izuku walk to Kurogiri and sat on a stool. Kurogiri gave Izuku a glass of water. Izuku took a sip and put the glass on the table.

Izuku: hay Kurogiri.

Kurogiri looked up.

Kurogiri: yes?

Izuku: where is Shiggy and dad.

Kurogiri: Shigaraki is in his room and you father is out.

Izuku: can you tell me when he comes back I'll like to talk to both of them.

Kurogiri nodded. Izuku smiled and left to his room. 4 hours later Kurogiri told Izuku he dad is back. Izuku told Kurogiri to get Shigaraki so he can talk to both of them. Shigaraki, Hisashi, and Izuku is sitting on a side table in the bar. With Izuku sitting across from Hisashi and Shigaraki while Kurogiri is behind the bar table as usual.

Shigaraki: Hay Izu what's wrong?

Shigaraki was surprised that Izuku wanted to talk. Izuku sighed.

Izuku: I know that things are weird between us because you are all villains and I want to become a hero.

Everyone was quite for a while till Izuku spoke again.

Izuku: I still want to become a hero but if I have to give up on that dream to not hurt my family then I will because I still love you even if you're villains.

Hisashi started to cry while shigaraki was surprised.

Shigaraki: W-what!? You not going to ... run away?

Izuku was stunned that Shigaraki will think that.

Izuku: Why would I run way?

Shigaraki: We thought you will because we're villains.

Izuku: oh Shiggy.

Izuku got up and hugged shigaraki. Shigaraki hug back carefully so he wouldn't decay Izuku. They hid for a while till Izuku broke it.

Izuku: Dad I love you too.

Hisashi got out of his chair and went to Izuku to hug him.

Hisashi: I-I love you t-too

Shigaraki join the hug while Hisashi cried, Izuku cried, and Shigaraki was on the verge of crying

An hour of an emotional time passed and now Izuku, Shigaraki, and Hisashi are talking about what they do as villains.

Izuku: Okay? Let me get right. So dad is the most dangerous Supervillain in Japan called All For One and you've been fighting for a quirk call One For All that's been getting passed on for generations?

Hisashi: Yes you're correct.

Izuku: Okay? And now that quirk is passed on to All Might, The Number 1 hero?

Hisashi: Yes.

Izuku: and you still want me to become a hero even though you're villains?

Shigaraki: yes

Izuku: ok? I just need to process this for a bit.

Hisashi: take all the time you need.

Izuku: it's ok. I don't think I could become a hero because my quirk because people will find out that I associate with the number 1 villain.

Hisashi: yes that is true. People will start to think you're a villain or traitor.

Izuku sighs.

Shigaraki: how about you become a vigilante?

Every one went silent for a bit and stared at Shigaraki.

Shigaraki: What? I'm just saying that if you can't become a hero in a hero school, why not become a hero by being a vigilante?

Izuku: well that's true and I don't have to fight you guys I can fight other villains.

Hisashi: plus you can start doing hero work now instead of waiting later.

Shigaraki: and I bet you're more skilled in fighting than any other of those hero NPCs.

Izuku rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.

Izuku: thank for the compliment but I'm sur-

Hisashi interrupted Izuku.

Hisashi: No but we all know that you are way stronger then any villain or hero and possibly all might.

Izuku: I guess ... but there is no way that I can beat all might I haven't beaten you yet. How am I supposedly skilled enough to beat all might. I know you've been fighting for many generations, but I think the quirk has gotten stronger and I don't know if you are stronger or not. I'm not being rude but that all depends if you fought him before. And mutter mutter mutter it can get too strong mutter mutter mutter he can literally destroy they whole country if he wanted too mutter mutter mutter.

Shigaraki mentality facepalmed while Kurogiri laughed quietly behind the bar counter.

Hisashi: I'm glad we're back to normal.

Izuku stopped muttering and looked at his family and smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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