Chapter 6

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"Dis is turrible! Her sho't-term mem'ry loss has turned into full-blown amnesia. We betta call someone" said Brer Rabbit.

"De phones is down" said Brer Vulture rubbing his head.

"How does jelly disable telephones?" said Chad.

"It doesn't. Uncle Remus not paying the bill does" said Brer Vulture.

"Then, somehow, we need to get to the next town for help" said Jeremy.

"I'll go. I can fly. Although, den again, maybe I shouldn't. Deez fellas needs all de help day can get. But I could go as fast as I can" Brer Vulture babbled. 

"Oh no! Brer Vulture must have eaten de jelly! He seems ter have hamlet disease! Dat's when ya can't decide anything" said Brer Rabbit.

"Oh, blimey! Now what?" Chad cried.

"Brer Chad, Brer Jeremy... you fellas is gonna need ter find help" said Brer Rabbit.

"Us?" said Jeremy. 

"Yeah. You's humans and we's de only ones left" said Brer Rabbit. 

"I s'pose that is a point" said Jeremy. 

"Very well. Brer Rabbit can mind the cuckoos" said Chad.

Brer Bear squawked. "Cuckoo! Cuckoo!"

"Ugh! He ate his tape!" Chad grunted.

He and Jeremy were about to leave, but Brer Rabbit stopped them.

"Wait. I saw a patch o' jelly on de fo'est path. F'ya needs ter step in it, you'll need top o' de line protection" he said.

He dressed Chad and Jeremy in suits made of garbage bags.

"This is top of the line?" said Chad.

"You could have at least given us unused rubbish bags" said Jeremy.

"Hey, I's tryna save yo lives heeah" said Brer Rabbit. 

He gave the boys two masks. "Deez masks'll filta de poison from de air if de jelly evaporates."

"How?" said Jeremy.

"I used Brer Vulture's French toast as a filta. He burns dat stuff so bad, de crust is basic'ly charcoal" said Brer Rabbit. 

"Glad I could help? Or did I?" said Brer Vulture.

"An' fin'ly, we needs ter fill yo suits wit creamed co'n" said Brer Rabbit.

"Creamed corn?" said Jeremy.

"Why?' said Chad.

"I'd radda not explain. I don't undastan' de sci'nce m'self" said Brer Rabbit.

He poured two pitchers of creamed corn into Chad and Jeremy's trash bag suits.

"Oh, golly... that's not a pleasant sensation" said Jeremy. 

"You could have at least heated it first" Chad gagged.

The rabbit handed them two bags of little fish. "You'll need deez mack'rel too."

"No! I refuse to put fish down my pants" Jeremy snapped.

"Silly, it's not fo' yo pants. It's ter suck on in case yo suit rips. De fatty acids protect yo brains from de SLS" said Brer Rabbit. 

Chad and Jeremy accepted the fish and went outside. 

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