Chapter 1

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It was a lovely evening on Splash Mountain. The water was flowing properly and the critters were all happy.

Brer Rabbit was reading the label on a jelly jar with his good friend Burt Ward at the fishing spot.

"Brer Burt! Local sci'ntists is sayin' de jelly has neva bin diss slip'ry b'fo" said Brer Rabbit.

"How would they know how slippery jelly is?" said Burt.

"Wit a slip-o-meter" said Brer Rabbit.

Burt rubbed a sample of the jelly between his fingers. "Holy viscosity! This is the slipperiest jelly I've ever seen."

Brer Rabbit noticed Brer Vulture flying overhead. "Brer Vulture! Wuz de jelly diss slip-ry when ya bought it?"

"I didn't buy de jelly. I scooped it up while I was dumpsta divin' behind Gepetto's Diner" said Brer Vulture.

Burt wrinkled his nose. "Well, that would explain why there were rats in last week's PB&J."

"I coulda swo'n my san'wich winked at me" said Brer Rabbit. 

Burt looked at the jars the jelly came in. "Gosh. I wonder how jelly could be this slippery."

"It came from de dumpsta. Ain't dat a good stot?" said Brer Rabbit.

Chad Stuart and Jeremy Clyde came over and smiled at their friends.

"Hullo, fellas. Since we have time on our hands, Jeremy and I are going to pin the hat on the bear" said Chad.

"Pin de hat on de bear? Is dare a party goin' on?" Brer Bear called from a distance.

"Only in yo mind, Brer Bear!" Brer Rabbit called back. 

"Actually, this hat is for Brer Bear. Brer Fox got tar all over his old one" said Jeremy.

"Tanks fo' de wa'ning, Brer Jeremy. Where dare's tar, dare's anodda Brer Fox trap" said Brer Rabbit.

"Oh my goodness" Chad laughed. "So what are you two doing out here?"

"Brer Burt an' I's tryna figure out why de jelly's bin so slip-ry" said Brer Rabbit.

"Yeah. And I think I found the answer" said Burt with a troubled expression.

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