Chapter 4

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Chad and Brer Rabbit took the two patients to the Briar Patch.

"Oh dear, oh dear. There's no one out tonight" said Chad. 

Brer Fox strutted to him again. "Sup, fella! You lookin' nice enough ter join my posse."

Chad walked away. "Brer Rabbit, we need to get Brer Fox an ambulance."

"Is he gettin' worse?" said Brer Rabbit.

"He's about to if he keeps it up" Chad threatened.

Jeremy ran in. "What's going on? Burt told me to get here as fast as I could."

"Oh, hi, Jeremy. Your shirt's missing a button" said Patty.

"Is it?" said Jeremy looking at his shirt.

"Hi, Jeremy! Your shirt's missing a button" Patty repeated.

"You already said that" said Jeremy.

"The SLS in de jelly gave Sis Patty's sho't-term mem'ry loss" Brer Rabbit explained.

"Homegirl done lost her mind. Fo' reals" said Brer Fox.

Jeremy sighed. "I see Brer Money is still in the house."

"Jeremy, Patty and Brer Fox's brains really are messed up" said Chad.

"So is yours if you believe them. They're pranking us. Everyone eats jelly" said Jeremy.

Brer Bear ran into the Briar Patch, flapping his arms and squawking like a parrot.

"What's happened to Brer Bear?" said Chad.

Brer Bear squawked. "Brer Bear, Brer Bear, what's happened to Brer Bear. Awk!"

"Uh-oh! De poison musta given him anodda condition" Brer Rabbit gasped.

Jeremy laughed. "Oh please. Brer Bear thinks he's a bird? Brer Rabbit, d'you really think I'm daft?"

"Daft. Daft" Brer Bear squawked. 

Burt came in with a spot of red jelly on his face.

"Brer Burt, what's on yo face?" said Brer Rabbit.

"Oh, sorry. I just had some jelly before coming. It's good isn't it?" said Burt with more pep than usual.

"Why d'you sound so happy?" said Chad. 

"I'm always happy. Especially when I'm doing stunts. The pay might make me a millionaire" said Burt.

Now Jeremy was getting scared. "Burt enjoys stunts and underpayment?"

"He's been jellied!" Chad whimpered.

Brer Vulture then flew in frantically. "Fellas! I just came from de fishin' spot. Ev'ryone's infected by de jelly I got from de dumpsta. It's makin' dem crazy! Brer Goose thinks his butt's a feather duster!"

"Wait, what? So this jelly really is toxic? I can't believe this is really happening" Jeremy hyperventilated. 

"It's really hap'nin. Anyone who eats dat stuff goes totally crackers" said Brer Vulture.

Brer Bear squawked. "Crackers. Crackers. Brer Bear wants a cracker."

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