chapter 11 • hoodie

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I hear the television switch on downstairs and the sound of motorbikes echo through the house, meaning Ryan has settled in for a night of watching the motor cross. Taking in a shaky breath I lull over everything that just happened and look over at Luke's hoodie that has been thrown to the other side of the room. Reaching for my phone I pull up Luke's contact to send him a quick text. I know I shouldn't be texting him but he's the only person in this whole world I want to hear from right now.

To Luke:
*Ryan found your hoodie*

Less than a minute later I get a reply

From Luke:
*Are you ok Jessy? Did he hurt you? Do you want me to come and get you?*

To Luke:
*No! Whatever you do, do NOT come over. Ryan is here and he'd lose it if he saw you!*

I frantically type a reply to stop Luke from thinking through that plan anymore.

From Luke:
*Can I call you at least? To make sure you're alright?*

To Luke:
*Yeah ok*

As soon as my text message is sent my phone starts ringing. I let it ring three times before I answer it.

"Hello?" I ask softly into the phone.

"Hey Jessy." I hear Luke's familiar voice reply, causing a smile to spread across my lips.

"Hi." I whisper as I roll my eyes at myself for being so awkward.

"Why are you whispering?" He asks me.

"Because Ryan is downstairs and if he catches me talking to you we are both dead." I answer him making sure to keep my voice down and also listen out for any footsteps or movement throughout the house.

"Did Ryan hurt you?" Luke asks me sounding worried.

"No...well not really." I correct myself.

"What do you mean not really?" He asks firmly, seeming instantly angry at Ryan.

"Well he threw me to the ground. That's all." I tell him nervously.

"You can't let him treat you like that." Luke scolds me.

"It's not like I have a choice!" I whisper as my eyes start to tear up.

"There is always a choice." He tells me bluntly.

"You have no clue what kind of situation I'm in, you can't tell me I have a choice." I defend myself.

"Well if you are referring to your relationship as a situation shouldn't that scream out for you to leave him?" Luke asks me obviously getting frustrated with me.

"Please stop." I sob as I wipe away my falling tears.

"No, don't cry. I'm sorry." He apologises profusely as he only tries to help me.

"It's ok." I reply, accepting his apology.

"You should come over one day while Ryan is at work?" Luke suggests sweetly.

"I wish I could but I can't. He never tells me when he's going to be home from work. Sometimes he's gone for a few hours other times he's gone for a whole day." I explain to Luke.

"Can't you say that you're going one of your friends houses?" He suggests, trying anything to get me away from Ryan.

"He doesn't trust me." I reply.

"Say you're going to visit your Mum or Dad?" He suggests again.

"It's not that easy." I tell him.

"Why not?" He questions.

"Because I can't go see them." I answer him trying to keep my emotions bottled up inside.

"Oh, um ok." Luke replies confused.

I wish I could tell him the whole truth but it's too much for me to handle right now.

"I'm sorry." I speak up.

"No don't be sorry. It's ok if you can't come over, I understand." He answers me sweetly.

I let out a small yawn as my eyes grow sleepy.

"I'll let you get some sleep." Luke tells me.

"Ok, goodnight." I reply.

"Goodnight Jessy."

"I'll call you tomorrow at 10." I speak up.

"Ok." He simply answers.

"Thank you for being a friend Luke." I thank him as I appreciate him being there for me.

" problem." He replies seeming a little annoyed before he hangs up.


Hey beautifuls, I'd just like to apologise in advance if my updates are a little slower than usual. I've had a fair bit happen in my life this week and it's affected me a lot. Once again I apologise and if you ever need anyone to talk to about anything that's getting you down remember that there's always people around you who are willing to support you (and I'm here for you all too) love you a butt load and stay safe ❤️xx

Shadows in a Window // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now