chapter 24 • taken

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Luke's POV:

"Jessy, are you ready yet?" I ask her as I walk in the front door.

"Jessy?" I call again since I get no answer.

I kick my shoes off at the front door and that's when I notice blood on the floor.

"Jessy!" I yell out to her, instantly becoming panicked.

I follow the blood trail and continue calling her name only to be led to the bathroom. I see the window all smashed up and a trail of blood in the shape of a hand print, it looks as if someone has dragged their hand down the wall.

Running my hands through my hair I can only think of the worst as I run through the house trying to find my girlfriend. Unable to find her anywhere I pull out my phone to call my Mum.

"Luke, I'm at work you better be quick." She whispers harshly into the phone.

"S-she's gone Mum... Jessy's gone." I tell her as I stumble on my words.

"What?" Mum asks.

"I came home and she's gone. She's not here. There's blood all through the house and the bathroom window is smashed. Mum...I think Ryan has got her." I tell her as my eyes start burning.

"Have you searched the house?" Mum asks worriedly.

"I've looked everywhere. She's not here." I reply as I only become more stressed.

"I'm on my way home now. I'll call the police." She tells me before I hang up.

The next number I dial is Ashton's.

"Yeah man?" Ashton answers the phone.

"Jessy's been taken." I speak up in a panic.

"Wait up. I'll put you on speaker, the boys are still here." He tells me.

"Hey Luke!" Calum and Michael both cheer happily.

"Ryan broke into my house while I was at your place and he took Jessy. It's bad man. There's blood and glass everywhere." I tell them as the line falls silent.

"Guys?" I ask since I don't get a response.

"Are you sure it's Ryan?" Calum asks.

"I know it was Ryan. Who else? Who else is capable of doing something like this?" I ask them as I pace around the house.

"I'm going to go look for her." I tell the boys but I'm quickly cut off with "no's".

"Don't. Not yet. Wait for the police, they will have a better idea of where to look. We are on our way over right now. Just stay there." Ashton tells me as I here him fumbling with his keys and hurrying the boys.

"O-okay." I reply before the line falls dead.

I put the phone down as a sudden rush of anger and guilt floods me. How could I just leave her here alone. I knew it was a bad idea. I should've woken her up.

Mum arrives home first closely followed by the police and finally the boys. The police aren't here for very long. They just ask us a few questions, non to which I really had the answer for before taking swabs of the blood and telling us they will be in touch and start a search party asap. I didn't believe them though.

"Luke just calm down please. Come sit down." Mum tells me as she sits at the kitchen table with the boys while I pace the room.

"How can I sit down? She's my fucking girlfriend, how the hell can I stay calm!" I scream as my eyes begin to burn with tears.

Shadows in a Window // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now