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Time flew by in a breeze for Toriel, with hours speeding by in what felt like minutes. Frisk awoke to see their mother already wide awake, standing on a small stool in the living room as she finished hanging the last of the multi-colored party banners across the ceiling.

Not a single spec of dust was spared during her early morning cleaning, making both the wooden floorboards and cyan walls look as if they were brand new. Frisk has seen plenty of magic in recent years, yet it wouldn't serve as an accurate explanation for what Toriel has achieved this morning. A miracle is a more appropriate assessment.

On the kitchen table where Frisk, the night before, had to reluctantly gulp down their unsavory dinner, are two plastic, see-through bowls. One is filled to the top with a pile of potato chips, and the other to the side contains thick, neon-orange dip. Sat next to the corresponding bowls is a large glass pitcher of iced lemonade. Beside it are stacked plastic cups.

Lining the kitchen counter is a variety of store-bought snacks, including but not limited to gummies, pretzels, crackers, and cheese. Of course, Toriel couldn't go without making something herself, that being a cherry pie. Its sweet smell steams from the oven, ensnaring those who inhale the irresistible scent. So only Frisk at the moment, whose mouth waters at the sight of so many goodies.

Currently, they occupy a small space on the large couch next to Toriel, joining them in watching a parade of instrumentalists and dancers perform through the downtown streets of Mirstone. Its selection of both human and monster talent has brought out a smile from Frisk that hasn't since left.

"Goodness, they really brought their A-game this year," Toriel comments before taking a sip from her tea glass. "Say, Frisk, how come your robot friend never attended one of these? He'd be a great fit."

Sometimes, Frisk forgets just how old-fashioned their mother's interest in entertainment is. Being nothing but a bookworm, she rarely turns on the television or listens to the radio, making her one of very few monsters who doesn't have Mettaton's name etched into her brain.

"The Mayor invited him to attend when the second one came around," Frisk says in response to Toriel's question. "But... it didn't really work out."

"How so?"

"Mettaton is..." Frisk tries to think of a nicer word to use, but after a brief pause, comes up short. "...kinda a control freak. He requested lights, fireworks, funkier music, more lights, comedic gags, concurrent plotlines... did I mention lights?"

In actuality, the mayor had considered more than just the illustrious robot for attendance. Frisk themselves was invited every year, but with each invitation came a polite decline. Emergence Day is supposed to be time spent with friends and family. Not drowning in some large crowd being encircled by constant cameras. Neil had revealed that an appearance from King Asgore was given thought, but ultimately decided against as a result of his declining popularity.

The soft ring of a doorbell brings the two's attention to the front door.

"Our first visitor," Toriel smiles, hurriedly rising from the couch to not keep the guests waiting.

She only makes it partway through the living room when something knocks against the entrance.

"Knock knock," a familiar deep voice says from outside.

"SANS, SERIOUSLY?!" another recognizable voice moans.

Both Toriel and Frisk share a happy grin. Excitedly, Toriel goes:

"Who's there?"


"Needle," the deep voice interrupts.

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