Precarious Future

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Just as the Ruins had been devoid of any evidence suggesting Toriel's existence, the lab shows no sign of Alphys'. Still, the extensive length of its interior, as well as the blue tiled floor and sophisticated aura, gives Frisk enough familiarity with their surroundings. All that's missing are the stacks of empty instant noodle cartons reaching impressively absurd heights on the untidy monster's brown desk.

Generally, the entire building also looks to be much cleaner, with the glint of the lights above reflecting off the blue floor's polished surface. Near the entrance, a life-sized monitor sits at the human's left, acting as a digitized mirror with a pixelated reflection of the intruder.

Seeing this makes Frisk draw a blank at first. It is only after several more seconds of contemplating the confounding sight before them when their narrow eyes widen with alarm.

In many of the human's past resets, numerous hidden cameras placed throughout the underground served to oversee their every move. And if the massive screen displaying their full appearance is anything to go by, this timeline appears to be no different.

Someone has been watching them.

I guess all of those cameras were set up long before Alphys became the royal scientist. Frisk ponders. It makes sense for security purposes. The underground is small enough to keep a watchful eye on everyone. But this is bad. What if whoever's been spying on me has told Mom and Asgore? That'd be the last thing I need right now.

Whether they're ready for it or not, Frisk's answer announces itself with the DING of a nearby elevator. They turn their head in its direction, recognizing the sound as having come from the entrance to the real place of business beneath what is essentially a glorified lounge. The true lab.

From it steps out a tall figure who stands at no less than five feet. A height more in line with Papyrus's, and that's not the only similarity the two share. Not at all. Their appearances so closely align, Frisk nearly mistakes him for their long-time friend at first glance.

But his skeletal nature and thin stature are without the inclusion of any sort of outrageous clothing. And Papyrus's permanent smile is nowhere to be seen. This monster wears a buttoned-up, white lab coat, and the smile on his oval-shaped face is small, and if Frisk had to guess, voluntary.

Two, glowing white pupils study the teenager from within his pitch-black irises. It could not be any more clear that this is the royal scientist Asriel mentioned earlier. Despite rarely hearing any mention of Alphys' predecessor, Frisk can't help but feel a nagging sense of déjà vu. Aside from his blatant likeness to the skeleton brothers, something else is familiar about this scientist. As though they've met before.

He speaks.

"That expression..." his calm voice begins. "... I've been watching you ever since one of my cameras detected your arrival. At first, I observed solely to ensure you were to bring no harm to the prince. But, I must admit, it didn't take long before curiosity overcame duty. Your attachment to what should've been a complete stranger was the first of many oddities in your behavior. Then came the vague warnings, noticeable acquaintance to life here in the underground, and of course, the fact you immediately sought me out."

The skeleton rubs his chin.

"There's more to you than meets the eye, isn't there, human?"

"How did you...?"

"Let's not waste time with shallow questions," the skeleton interrupts. "Our dear king and queen aren't the only ones old enough to remember life outside of these immuring walls of imprisonment. But if I'm being honest, Frisk, if I may refer to you by your given name, your human nature is of no concern for the time being. I'm more interested in what's in here."

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