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While Undyne's spear barrier and Asgore's conjured fire would normally be considered lethal attacks used as a last resort, to the group of humans pushing to deliver their idea of vigilante justice, neither is of much concern.

Each of the attackers takes turns prying the blue weapons from the ground and snapping them like twigs. And the Boss Monster's flames are capable of little more than a light sear. Of course, this is only due to his reluctance to go all out.

A respectable dedication to pacifism that may potentially spell the end for every monster here.

Speaking of, the monster assembly is still restless, utilizing their shared might to break through the bone wall Papyrus has summoned in front of them. Undyne would respect their fighting spirit under different circumstances. Hell, a part of her still does. But despite struggling for a worthy cause, fueled by anger the chief can relate to, there is no changing the fact that this is a losing battle.

Regardless of which group overwhelms their crudely put-together blockade first, the outcome will be the same. Dozens of slain monsters, not a single human SOUL taken, and the beginning of a second war.

Can't let it happen... I WON'T.

To the skeleton's right is Neil, trying his absolute best to be heard over the cries of furious civilians, but his pleas for a peaceful compromise are lost to the surrounding uproar. Undyne knows it's not the poor man's fault. Given his soft-spoken nature, she'd be surprised if he could ever manage above forty decibels.

Taking a note from Papyrus's book, she uses her lightning-fast reflexes to block incoming bullets with the materialization of a handy spear. So far, it's worked, with too many close calls to remember. One such instance arises when a human man at the front of the crowd aims a loaded pistol-

Mardsen. A hot-head officer she discharged only a few days ago for reckless conduct during patrol. That very man stands but four feet away, a smug grin etched across his rough features.

"Goodbye, 'chief'."

Time to make an exception. This time, Undyne grabs the pistol and the strained hand attached to it, which automatically surrenders under her undisputed grip.

"Bye," she says before striking him in the face, sending his body soaring into the crowd of his respective peers.

Undyne realizes the damage she's done before the former officer hits the asphalt. It wasn't a fatal attack by any means, but the sudden aggression provokes the humans to strike at her spears even harder with their various weapons. Any moment now, they'll break through, and the fish monster is too exhausted to keep at the magic defenses forever.

"How are you holding up, Papyrus?!" she checks in, looking back at her partner.

His fleshless, bony exterior is damp with sweat. Still, he turns around and raises a thumbs-up complete with a smile.


The skeleton's positive attitude is good for a smile... but that's all, unfortunately. Judging by how much his walls of bone have shrunk in thickness, the chief knows he too is reaching his limit.

"Asgore... what do we do?!" she asks, looking to the Boss Monster for guidance.

What Undyne gets in return is a look that heightens her existing fear. A look that she interprets the moment it comes into view.


The humans will have to try harder if they wish to have any luck in overcoming her strength. She can be Determined too.

Undertale: Fallen AngelWhere stories live. Discover now