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That night, Ariana lay on her pegasus-down pillows and watched the constellations her lamp projected on the ceiling.

She didn't think she could sleep, but a full day of fighting monsters in the summer heat had taken its toll. At last she closed her eyes and drifted into a nightmare.

Like usual, she had visions of the Battle Of Manhattan - demigods cries as they took their final stands. All of the good stuff.

The worst nightmares, however, were the ones where she was in Tartarus.

All the boils and blisters returned to her skin, she felt her throat burning. All the curses that were placed on her body were magnified.

Ariana remembered it all, every minute and every second of it. The memories were on a loop in her mind, constantly replaying.

The nightmares didn't help, they only reminded her more of it.

Instead of waking up straight away like usual, this time her dream shifted.

Straight away, Ariana knew this wasn't any ordinary dream. Her body froze, she knew where she was.

On Olympus, more specifically the room where she had to (mostly) sit and listen to the gods complain about one another.

Hera stood with a regal bearing beside one set of sofas. Her golden hair caught the sun and glistened as she looked towards the city.

The wind fluttered her crimson dress, though she stood still and unmoving. Ariana remembered their last meeting - it wasn't very pleasant and she doubted this one would be much different.

In the back of her mind, Ariana knew why she was here. The goddess turned to look at the demigod.

"Hello, Ariana." She spoke, surprisingly calm despite the war she had practically initiated.

"It's time isn't it?" Ariana said, quickly.

"There's no beating around the bush with you is there?" Hera frowned but nodded. "But yes, it's time." The goddess paused before continuing. "The rod of Hades is missing-"

"Yes." Ariana interrupted. "Trust me, I already know that. What even is this stupid rod?"

Hera scoffed. " 'This stupid rod' is actually very important. It prevents the doors of death from being opened."

"The doors are already closed." Ariana said. "Me, Percy and Annabeth made sure of it."

"You may have closed them." Hera shook her head slightly. "But if the forces of Gaia get this rod, they could easily reopen them."

Ariana wanted to scream, had they really gone all the way to Tartarus for there to be another way to easily close and open the doors of death?

The queen of gods raised her eyebrows, moving to sit down on the couch. "If Gaia got the rod it would be-"

"Very bad." Ariana sighed, knowing it was true. She couldn't let Gaia get a hold of it. "Yes, I know. Monsters could easily come back, and the giants and whatever titans are down there."

"Indeed." The goddess nodded.

Hera looked around thoughtfully, her eyes locking on Ariana. "Go now, my child. We'll see each other again shortly."

Ariana woke up with a start, instantly she felt her head sweating. Wiping her forehead, Ariana winced.

The morning sun was creeping it's way past her drawn curtains. The teenagers mind was racing, she didn't have much time, to find the rod and get it back.

The Veiled Legacy | PJO - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now