Summon The Cast!

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Reactor List:










Ozpin's Inner Circle

Salem's Inner Circle

Beacon Staff

Schnee Family

Polendina Family

Ciel Soleil

Happy Huntresses





It was a normal day in Beacon, Team RWBY was out doing their business with Team JNPR while around the world, people lived their lives, teaching, learning, eating, sleeping and all. But, today wasn't truly a normal day.

Ruby and Yang were sat down playing a game while Weiss was playing with Zwei and Blake reading her book on Yang's bunk, not wanting to get close to Zwei.

Weiss: Who's a cute little dog!

Zwei: Bark!

Ruby: I'm beating you today Yang!

Yang: No you won't Rubes!

Blake: ...

Suddenly the game had froze.

Ruby: What!? Nooooo! I was so close to winning!

Yang however had a big grin.

Yang: And I still am undefeated!

Ruby however realized something as she looked out the window seeing everything frozen, students, birds, even the wind blowing the trees had stopped.

Ruby: Wait, why did the game freeze?

Yang: Wai-

Suddenly the door creaked open as RWBY looked over to the door seeing a man in weird clothing looking to be around Ruby's age, but almost as tall as Blake.

???: Ah! Finally! Howdy doo!

Ruby: Wah! Who are you!?

???: Me? Oh... the names-

But before the ??? could say his name Yang went in for a punch, to which he didn't move, sending him flying into JNPR's dorm.

Jaune: What the!?

Nora: Whoa! You okay!

???: Yup, Yang's is a hard hitter as expected.

Pyrrha: Yang?

JNPR looked through the door way seeing Yang standing there.

Jaune: Yang!? What are you doing!?

Yang: He's doing something!

JNPR then looked down to the man laying on the floor before he hopped up.

???: As I was saying! The names Micah!

Jaune: Mic...ah?

Micah: Of course! Name, I'll just need to borrow you eight for a while.

(A/N) Close to my name but not exactly it!

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