Intermission + Captain Arc: Part 2

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Some of the people who were at the snack bar were now currently talking with the man working the place, 1 Ryan Newport.

Ruby: Well hello!

Weiss: Forgive me if I'm being rude, but where is your other arm...?

Ryan: What this little nub?

Ryan then wiggled his missing arm.

Ryan: I lost it in the War of the Worlds or World War 2, whichever a person prefers.

Brawnz: Woah...

Summer: So, you've just been living with one arm?

Ryan: No, no. I got a mechanical arm, just have someone working on it.

???: Alright Ryan! I got it done!

Everyone then looked to the voice

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Everyone then looked to the voice.

Ryan: Thanks Nikolai!

Arslan: Who are you?!

Nikolai: Oh? It's intermission time already?

Ryan: Yup, now hand me my arm.

Nikolai then hopped over the counter and next to Ryan, attaching his arm onto the bud.

Yang: Uh hello?!

Nikolai then turned to Yang.

Nikolai: Privet! The names Nikolai, Nikolai James.

As he said that a large crash was heard in a backroom.

???: Son of a bitch!

Ryan: Jason's having trouble.

Nikolai: I got it.

Nikolai then walked past Ryan and into a door behind him seeing a man trying to cook some food in the back as he threw his hat to the floor.

Nikolai then walked past Ryan and into a door behind him seeing a man trying to cook some food in the back as he threw his hat to the floor

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Jason: Verdammt! Ich schwöre bei Gott, ich werde Elias töten! (Damn it! I swear to God, I'm going to kill Elias!)

Ryan: Jason! Don't kill the person who was the best man at my wedding!

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