SCP Foundation: Part 1

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(A/N) Based off of the Volgun's video. While not everything will be the same, some parts will be.

Brawnz: What is happening?!

The SCP Foundation logo started to spin around in the middle of the screen as sound waves appeared in front of it.

Voice: So, you've decided to mention us.

Soviet: Fuuuuuuuuuuuck!

Voice: Today, we will be going over information pertaining to the S.C.P Foundation.

Nadir: What have I done?!

Voice: The basics. "Operating clandestine and worldwide, the Foundation operates beyond jurisdiction, empowered and entrusted by every major national government with the task of containing anomalous objects, entities, and phenomena."

Ruby: W-what is happening...

Soviet: This is the S.C.P Foundation, or in full terms. The Secure. Contain. Protect Foundation, and they do what is being said.

Ironwood: Containing anomalies?

Soviet: Yes, for example. Faunus'

Blake and the other Faunus' looked nervous as Soviet continued and the voice waited.

Soviet: On Earth, as you know. Faunus don't exist, and if they were to appear on Earth. The S.C.P Foundation would contain you permanently.

Velvet: W-what...

Soviet: That and would experiment you to figure out why you're Faunus's and such.

Blake: E-experiment?!

Voice: Yes, we do this for the sake of humanity.

Ruby: Y-you can hear us?!

Voice: Of course, this isn't a recording Ms. Rose.

Ruby then sunk in her seat a bit, trying to not give any more information to the voice.

Blake: But we're almost the exact same as humans!

Voice: To you and others. But you're anomalies. You don't belong on Earth, you aren't real humans.

Blake felt a pang in her heart with fear as the voice echoed in the theater.

Brawnz: But why!

Voice: These anomalies. All of you, with the exception of a few, pose a significant threat to global security by threatening either physical or psychological harm to humans.

Ruby: But most of us are humans!

Soviet stayed quiet allowing the voice to continue for the rest of the showing.

Voice: Yes, but you have Aura and Semblances. Super human strength, speed, durability and more. What happens when you go rogue and decide that you should run things, such as the Queen of Grimm? Nobody could stop you. But that is where we come in. We prevent that from happening before even a glimpse of that is shown.

Ruby tried to speak out but couldn't he was right. Who could stop those with Aura besides others with Aura. They were faster, stronger, more durable not including their Semblances. If everyone with Aura joined together, they could rule all the Kingdoms without question.

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