Helldivers 2: One-Shot

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Oobleck: So they named it Super Earth!

Soviet: That is correct or its full name the Federation of Super Earth! And this right here is the flag!

Soviet: That is correct or its full name the Federation of Super Earth! And this right here is the flag!

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Ozpin: Fascinating, how much of the world changed?

Soviet: Well here is how the world currently looks!

Soviet: Well here is how the world currently looks!

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Ruby: Wow...

Ozpin: So the world is separated into sectors?

Soviet: That is correct, Super Earth is a Federal Republic, similar to the United States.

Port: It seems there are wasteland zones, from the previous great war.

Soviet: Yes, like normal Earth, this world went through their Third World War, but unlike the United States of Remnant universe, the world united. As such, these locations had taken such a beaten, nothing could be recovered.

Glynda: My gods...

Soviet: But as you can see, these red zones are restricted areas where no citizens can enter as they are special.

Robyn: It looks like we know why, the last rainforests... and an emergency seed vault?

Soviet: We cannot have plants go extinct now, can we?

Robyn: No we can't, you're right.

Willow: Wouldn't the planet become over populated sooner or later?

Soviet: You would be correct, Willow.

Winter: She would be?

Soviet: Considering the year is 2184.

Mostly Everyone: 2184?!

Soviet: Yup, and as you can expect, Super Earth is going beyond the stars!

Salem: Beyond the stars... you mean...

Soviet: Colonizing planets!

Elm: Hang on, if they're colonizing planets wouldn't their be-

Soviet: I'm sure this video will explain everything!

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