Hacksaw Ridge: Part 1

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3rr0r! Err0R! 

4lL GH1lliEd uP, n0t 4val1Abl3

Everyone then looked to the screen in confusion at the error message.

Ruby: Um, is this normal?

Jaune!404: O-0F cOur-c0u4se nO-NO-not.

Soviet: Hang on.

Soviet then turned to smoke as he went to the top of the theatre and to the high quality projector.

Jaune!404: THA-ThAt m1-miG-might be my-MY-mY fau~lt.

Ozpin: How so... Uh...

Jaune!404: Ju-jUsT Cal-call-C4lL mE-ME-me, 40-0-0-4-4-4.

Ozpin: Ok then Mr. 404, but how so?

Jaune!404: EV-eVerY now-N0w-nOw an-4nd the-tHe-THen, I-I-I-I-1 m3-meSS wi-w1th So-Sov1e-S0vi3t.

Ozpin: Ah.

Suddenly Soviet's body formed in front of the crowd, and next to Jaune!404.

Soviet: Alright, found the issue.

Nebula: What is it?

Soviet: For some weird reason, the selector is set to randomize, and I tried to change it, but I couldn't.

Willow: Aren't you the Watcher?

Soviet: To an extent, I ain't all mighty or anything.

Jaune!404: Y3-yeA-yeah, I-I'm tha-ThAt.

Soviet: Yeah, rub it in. Anyways, looks like we're starting something, nobody will like.

Weiss: What would that be?

Soviet: One of the deadliest battle locations!

Ruby: WHyyyyy!

Soviet: Because block head over there, thought it would be a good idea to doubt me.

Everybody then glared at Mercury who sunk in his seat.

Soviet: Now, this will be the Battle of Okinawa!

Coco: Okinawa?

Soviet: Yes, World War 2-

Everyone: WORLD WAR 2!?!?

Soviet: Ah... that will be explained later...

Ironwood: No you will do it no-

Suddenly a large spike was seen at Ironwood's face as everyone looked to over to Soviet and back to Ironwood.

Soviet: The snap of my fingers, and you'll go, bye bye.

Ironwood then slowly sat back down as the spike disappeared.

Soviet: Now, as I was saying. The Battle of Okinawa was one of the bloodiest battles of the war, but one place stood out, the Maeda Escarpment, or as most people know it. Hacksaw Ridge.

The way Soviet said those words, a few had a chill go down their spines.

Soviet: Now, I'll introduce the cast for you all


Ruby: Thanks for telling us!

Soviet: But of course, let us begin.

The screen then lit up once more as remnants of the 96th Infantry were seen with the 77th Infantry, walking up to the encampment at the bottom of the ridge.

Ironwood: Interesting clothing...

The massive group then stopped at the sound of their commanding officer, Captain Glover

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