Chapter 9: Hunters or Hunted?

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Hope you're all staying safe! COVID-19 has taken our jobs, our families and our freedom.. But it WON'T take away our joy for reading/writing!

Chapter 9: Hunters or Hunted?

Murphy's P.O.V (almost 6am):

It was absolutely freezing waking up this morning. The blankets Monty got were beyond thrashed. There weren't a lot of holes in it but the ones that it had were pretty big. I get that they wanted to only take a few things from camp but like.. They coulda got some better blankets. GOD I hate these things. I felt the warmth from Raven's body radiating beside me. I felt like a magnet wanting to just wrap around her but.. The last thing I wanted was her waking up cranky because I crossed a line. I'm making good progress with her and I don't want to ruin it. Progress for what though? I have no clue. I was pretty sure I was the first one up, which wasn't normal, but then again all I could see were Jasper and Monty a few feet from us. Jaspers arm was draped lazily around Monty who looked like he wasn't enjoying the embrace, even in his sleep.

"Please don't have to pee.. Please don't have to pee..." I whispered to myself not wanting to get up into the cold. I stayed there for a bit, laying on my back looking through the towering trees above. I noticed the deeper we got into the forest the less leaves were on the trees. It was foggy which seemed to heighten the woodsy smell of the forest. I love that smell, and I mean it when I say that because I don't love a lot of things. I sighed finally giving in to the inevitable piss fountain I'll be creating in a few seconds. I gently took the blanket off of me and folded my half on Raven. I stood up, one of my knees cracking in the process, and walked off trying to find a good place to do my business. I heard shuffling behind me, remembering that death bear that almost turned me into a Murphy burger. I gripped the revolver in my pocket and slowly turned around. What I saw was.. Basically a bear.. It was Lincoln leaning against a tree carving his knife across a piece of wood.

"Jesus, man! You almost made me piss myself." He raised an eyebrow at that, briefly stopping his carving.

"That would have been amusing." He stated, proceeding to cut slices out of the wood.

"Bite me." I said back and he shifted his eyes up from the wood quickly and glared at me. "You know what?" I said, holding both my fingers up. "Please don't actually bite me." He must have been on the final watch of the night so he didn't get a lot of sleep and I am NOT messing with a sleep deprived grounder. I continued my search for a nice bush or tree to water with my pee. I decided on a log with some green glowing mushrooms coming out of the top of it. Once I was finished I heard something hit the ground in the distance followed by rapid steps. I followed where it came from, gripping my pistol, until I spotted Bellamy sitting on a big rock sticking out of the side of a wall with his arms draped on his thighs, his rifle laying next to him. The wolf that, I guess is a thing now, ran up to him with a stick in its mouth. He bent down and grabbed the stick and threw it far. The wolf instantly bolted after it, regardless of it's injured paw.

"I take it he's growing on you." I started walking up to him and he turned his attention to me with a half smile that disappeared quickly.

"He's a good asset to have. Strong. Fast." The wolf came back, stick in mouth and happy as ever. Bellamy grabbed the stick and threw it again. "Why are you up so early?"

"Had to pee." He nodded and turned his attention back to the foggy forest the wolf disappeared into. I thought this would be a good time to apologize to Bellamy because, truth be told, he's another person I'm simply comfortable around and I need him to trust me. I made my way over to the rock he was sitting on and climbed up dangling my legs over the edge. "Look man. I know 'I'm sorry' won't do much but-"

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