Nightmares too do come true (Part 1)

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During his training period after his recovery from injury in Bangalore, Kl Rahul used to wake up middle of the night, with nightmare of the team loosing the world cup!!!

At that point, he was not even sure if he would be there in the team or not. But either ways , loosing world cup is something nobody can bear.

At first he thought, it's just a nightmare which will never come again, but it started getting constant, that it even started disturbing his sleep.
He felt scared to sleep even.
He had a talk with Rahul Bhai about this, and Rahul Bhai immediately suggested him to consult the mental conditioning coach.

"Your thinking a lot about the World Cup KL, don't stress yourself too much about it."
"Not even sure, if you will even be there in the squad"

KL- "me being there or not doesn't even bother me. Loosing a world cup even when I'm not in the team will give me equal pain when I'm in the team. It's a World Cup sir!!! And for many of us it might be the last too...who knows?!"

Coach- This is the problem with you Indians, the emotions, takes over you guys. Mental health is more important in such sports. So you can't be doing this to yourself. Since your having a disturbed sleep, i think we should start with the therapy soon. I'll give you a charting, and we have to do according to that. You get me?!

KL- mmmm yes....

With the help of the coach, along with his physical training, mental training was also going in full swing. And the nightmares gradually started disappearing.

Everything went well for KL after the rehab, he got a chance against Pak which was cos Shreyas had a last minute back spasm, which KL hated, cos he dint want to snatch it from shreyas.
But fortunately KL came with a bang, and Shreyas too...
And then the world cup. It was a fairytale World Cup for them.
The best team in recent times.
Every player contributing was the best part abt this team.

They were unbeatable!!!

Everything was going well. But........

The worst day of their life, yes!!!  even worse than July 10 2019.
"The Aussies kept their words!!! They silenced our people at our home and took away the trophy from us!" whispered Shubman to Ishan.
Ishan side hugged his best friend who was broken beyond repair. He was broken too, but he knew, at this moment, his big brothers won't be in a situation to console the kiddos like always, cos their humans too. So he had to take the charge. He did his maximum to support Shub.

As Aussies took their winning runs, KL felt his legs getting weak. "The  nightmare has come true!!!!!!!! and I'm the biggest reason for it !" He thought....He couldn't control anymore, he just fell on the ground, heads low, using the cap as a shield to hide his face.
"Everything is over... Everything"
"I'm responsible for it...... I spoiled everything"
"I shouldnt have recovered from that bloody injury"he said in a low voice to himself.

He can't be sitting like this for too long. He has to go to the dressing room before he looses control of his emotions. He wanted to run away from the flashing lights of cameras, the fireworks, a celebrating Australian team. All this was too much to handle.
He gathered some strength and got up to see Siraj, crying and Jassi consoling him. He wanted to run away to dressing room, but not before patting Sirajs shoulder.
"You gave your everything Miya....., ur father will be proud of you"
KL left saying that before even Siraj cud response properly to it.
Again using the cap as a shield to his face, he rushed into the dressing room.

"Your responsible for our loss"
"Your tuk tuk is where we lost the game"
"If you have some shame left in you take retirement Mr.KL Rahul"
"You single handedly made us loose the Cup. We will never forget this"

These were the things he heard from the crowd on his way he walked back to the dressing room.

Entering the dressing room, he could hear the loud crying of his team members.
Shub, Ishan, Jassi, Siraj, Kuldeep and Shreyas was in a group hug crying their heart out.
Rohit , Ash, Virat and Jaddu- tears were flowing from their eyes, which they couldn't stop even after trying hard. But they controlled themselves to not have a breakdown infront of the kids.
It'll hurt them even more.

Kl was looking around and seeing all this with a typical expressionless KL Rahul face.

He felt like going and hugging the kids cry it out with them, console them , but he couldn't....
He felt like going and lie down in his Virats lap and cry his heart out, but he couldn't...
He felt like crying on Rohit's shoulders, can he even meet Rohit's eyes now?!.
It was Rohits last world cup, and the whole team was supposed to gift it to him. He deserved a World Cup for what all he has done.
"It's all because of me, if I had accelerated at the end, things would have been different, if not I shoulddnt have played this much dot balls."
"I spoiled everything"

Just then Rahul Bhai comes in...

" It's ok boys, all of you tried your maximum, winning and loosing are part of the game, we can't do anything abt it "
"I'm proud of the way you've all played."
"People will talk rubbish, but please don't listen to them. That's my only advice for you guys at the moment "

"Ur all champions. My champions"

"It's not like we dint deserve the World cup.The world cup dint deserve us!"

"Now all of you come, there's presentation "

The boys gathered some courage and got up to washing their face and freshening up.

Kl was the first one to get out of the dressing room, as he felt suffocation there. He was waiting till his teammates was freshening up.

He blankly looked at the stadium.....
"It was supposed to be our day! We had planned to carry Virat and Rohit on our shoulders and walk around the stadium"
"I just spoiled everything"

"Partially true that...KL"
Somebody patted KL's shoulder from behind.
Kl turned back to see who it is...

"You should have played a bit more faster, and accelerated at the end without getting out, things would have been different now."....

So that's it guys , the first part.
Whom do you think this person is?
Give me your valuable review on this chapter. And give me suggestions for next, like if you want fr any specific bond

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