The Revelation

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Rohit came back from hospital and directly went to KL's room to see some soothing sight amongst all the chaos happening.

Jassi was sitting  and sleeping, resting his back on wall with KL's head on his lap.
Jassi's one hand on KL's head, other hand wrapped around his chest and KL had his fingers held tight on Jassi's hand.

Rohit just went near his two kiddos and sat there for a moment just adoring that sight.

One, his first kid and the other one Vi's first kid
Their special kiddos.

Never ever he thought that both of their first kiddos will share the similar kind of bond he and Virat shared.

He dint even notice Mahi bhai who was lying on the sofa.

Ro dint want to disturb anybody so decided to leave , but not before asking Jassi to sleep properly lying down , seeing the uncomfortable position he was sleeping.

He went next to Jassi.
Jassi woke up fastly as he was not in a deep sleep.

"Jassi... sleep properly na... you can't sit and sleep whole night."
Before Rohit could say something more

hissed Jassi instantly, checking on Rah.
Rohit looked on.

"He will wake up bhaiya.."whispered Jassi.

"Sorry sorry... "Rohit said in the lowest voice possible, as he saw KL moving a bit, and his hold on Jassi tightened, with a strain expression on his face though eyes were  still closed.
Jassi just held him more closer, patting gently on his head, calming KL down.

That's when Mahi bhai woke up. He came to Rohit and took him out telling Jassi will take care.

They went to the balcony.

"Even I asked him to take rest, but he said he's ready to sit even two whole days this way, if that can give Rah some good sleep."said Mahi bhai.

Even without him knowing Rohit had a wide smile on his face hearing this.

"Why wouldn't he?! Rah behaves the same way if Jassi falls sick"said Rohit remembering instances where it has happened.

"They both don't express a lot. Funny how their expressive nature only comes in such situation ". Said Rohit.

"Mmm... they gave him a little sedation, but still he woke up midnight, panting heavy, disoriented, screaming."

"Nightmares!!! Again?!"asked Rohit

"Again? Did he have it before?!" Asked Mahi.

"Yeah.. during the rehab in NCA after his surgery. You know how he is, this overthinking and all." Said Rohit

"I think I did a mistake.... I shouldn't have asked you both to maintain distance from kids... I was just...."Mahi couldn't complete.

"No bhai, we know, you only wish the best for us and the kids... it just happened like that and whatever ,Rah is going to be alright."said Rohit

"I don't know, I'm really worried about him now. You don't know Ro. The way he was talking when we found him there. It was like he lost his mind....he was telling he saw Virat and Virat went away and was trying to go behind him. " said Mahi remembering the incident

Rohit went silent for sometime...

"What happened Ro..?"

"Actually bhai, he had something like this before, but I'm not sure about it.."said Rohit

"What do you mean?"

"After that ban he and Hardik got, he had something similar like this. But I don't know fully about it, cos that time we were not close and when I tried asking Vi dint disclose anything, so I dint ask again. "Said Rohit

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