Breakdown and mistakes

753 37 18

Kl finally decided to go and talk to Virat.
But before that he had to meet few other people.

He rang the calling bell of one room.

No answer....

He knocked a few times

No answer.....

He slightly pushed the door and realised it was already unlocked.

He entered the room, he found a kid, sitting on the floor with his heads towards his knees.

It was Ishan.

The most energetic, full of life, cheerful team member.
The soul of their team...

Never ever KL thought he would find ishan in such a condition.

"Ishu..." he called.

Ishan looked up hearing the voice.

His eyes were red shot, baggy like he has been crying the whole night.

"Ishu!!!! ....What's this?!....what have you done to yourself" asked KL worried, making Ishan sit on bed

Ishan just hugged KL instantly as KL sat on bed beside him.

"Bhai......" he said in a very low, weak voice.

Ishan had KL's shirt grasped in his hand, and the grip tightened whenever KL tried to move away.

Understanding it KL just let ishan hug him till he wanted, ruffling his hair and calming him down.

After while, when he felt a little bit relieved crying on on his KL bhai's shoulder, he himself broke the hug.

"Ishu... You ok?!"

"Yes bhai....I'm fine. Thanku.." ishan said composing himself.

"Thanku for what?!...."asked KL.

Ishan just gave a faint smile to that question.

Kl never liked this process of getting older, especially in the team.

He was the one who used to be the youngest once upon a time, and now there are these kids, who calls him bhaiya...

He hated that!!!  he hated being an elder brother.
The first thing he tells when a kid comes in to the team is.

"Listen.... Call me KL...ok?!"
"No Sir and  No bhaiyya"

He was assumed to become the worst elder brother by Virat, Rohit and other seniors in the team.

They started the training long back, to make him interact with the kids.
But he somehow escaped it.

For the kids, He was one of their favourite seniors, cos for them he was different from all other seniors who showed them their love and affection or whatever feelings it maybe

Their Rahul Bhai was different... within a small span of time, the kids understood that, their KL Bhai is a poker face outside, expresses less and talks less but his love and concern for them is nothing less than Virat's bhai's and Rohit' bhai's.

Having said that, KL actually secretly cared about all the kiddos and loves it when the  kids interact with him, but will show off like he doesn't like it much.

After he felt that Ishan was somewhat composed, his eyes searched for another kid who remains attached to this kid always like a conjoint twin. It's very rarest of rare, you find them in different room. Their always together.

"He's not here......" said Ishan realising, whom KL is searching for

"How come?! How's that possible?!" Asked Kl surprised and confused at the same time.

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