I love you ~ Newtmas❤️

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I love you he said while looking in to the hazel eyes of his lover.
The flickering light of the burning cars hitting his face making him look like an angel.

The whiskey eyed boy Scrunches his nose from the sent of blood and black goo.

"I.. L- Ove Y..."

"No cmon newt.. Please please please No NEWT"

'fuck where are you'

You can't die Newt.. PLEASE please

By the time newt took his last breath Thomas was a sobbing mess scratching at the leaner boy.

Shaking his head as if saying he's not dead.

Thomas sees no shine in Newts eyes all he sees is the flickering flames of those fucking cars.

In the background you can hear gunshots, explosions and someone yelling thomas...

He doesn't hear it-
Everything's muffled except The trembling breath and repeated words in Thomas's brain.

As Minho starts pulling Thomas limp body he can hear said boy mumbling the Pitiful words
"I love you, do you love me?"
"I love you, do you love me?"
"I love you, do you love me?"
"I love you, do you love me?"
"I love you, do you love me?"
"I love you, do you love me?"

over and over and over again untill they reach the berg.

Everyone gives a quick glance to the sobbing brunette.

'Safe haven' thats what they called it...

No wheres safe not with out newt.


Thomas slowly lifts his hand he slowly starts to carve the letters





It's cold to the touch, the stone. bringing the Brown eyed boy slightly out of his haze, He walks to sit next to his friends.

They all know he's not fully there.
They believe he's stuck replaying Newts death in his head.

They leave the depressed boy alone..
Not the best choice on there part.

Thomas puts slits in his writs and thighs

He stops counting when he gets to 20.


Minhos the first to smell the blood.
He called his friends over..
He was too scared to check alone, afraid he would find the third member of the ivy trio dead.
Of course he does.

His death had an effect.

Minho stopped talking...

Aris, Well he spent his days trying to get his boyfriend to make a sarcastic comment.

Vince and Jorge tried to get everyone to be happy, even when they themselves weren't.

Teresa just sat on the beach trying to talk to Thomas thru there link, Obviously it didn't work He's dead.

Brenda like aris spent her days trying to talk to Teresa, mostly she gets an "I love you" or an "i'll see you at dinner".
She usually brings dinner to Teresa.

Sonya and Harriet well they got mad at a lot of people. Turns out they kept some of the books they found from WCKD so they taught themselves different languages, they would talk all day, and not worry anyone knew what they were saying...
Mostly they talked about the glades and the people.

Gally obviously Didn't have the best relationship with Thomas but he did see him as a brother and leader figure.. so he spent his days running around the beach, safe to say he was the most jacked guy at the safe haven.


In heaven Thomas got a lot whacks on the head from a certain hazel eyed boy.

plus a few "You bloody shank" and "my fiancé's a fuckin idiot"

All in all Thomas was happy and he soon hoped the Gladers/scorchers would be too.


K hoped u liked it❤️🦕

Luv yall hoes.

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