Coach = Dad ~ Newtmas❤️

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When stiles was younger his mother used to say rain was tears of the earth, so when the sky cried you can cry as well. Well thats what he figured out, No one can hear you sobbing your heart out, No werewolves or Supernatural creatures, No human just the rain and the sky.

Stiles knew that if he was going to die he wanted it to be on a rainy day.

The stilinski boy Hadn't felt loving touch from anyone in at least a year.
His dad went back to drinking and hitting him
The pack Just didn't care anymore and
Everyone from the trials were dead.


Coach, Was late to leaving the school due to grading and planning Lacrosse tactics. On his way out he heard the shower running and quickly looked at the clock. Its said 6:43pm which was odd 'cause all students were supposed to be home already.

Thinking it could be someone breaking in he grabbed one of the lacrosse sticks and crept towards the Showers.

He peaked around the corner and saw a bruised Stiles in boxers With a disturbingly blank look on his face, The boy was also completely silent.
Stiles usually hums when he's in the shower, the boys teammates usually tell him to shut up or Coach just blows his whistle until he's quiet.

Coach set the Lacrosse stick down and walked hesitantly to the supposedly disassociateing boy, He Raised his hands to turn the shower off as to not cause the poor boy to be sick.

He Lead the boy to sit down and grabbed his extra clothes.


Even tho stiles doesn't remember that day very clearly he did know about coach helping him, The Teacher had given his student his number as well as saying if he ever needed a place to stay or vent he could just come to him.

After that day he frequently texted coach about him eating, sleeping as well as his father.

Coach learned about the Glade, Scorch, last city and all the events from Thomas.

Slowly Stiles started to stay most nights at Coaches, and after a few months most of the Finnstock house was covered in Teenage boy junk. As Coach says even tho secretly he loves it and had always wanted a son.

A little over 10 months Coach asked if Thomas would like to legally change his name to Thomas,
He said yes! Which caused the conversation of his last name to come up.

Coach asked him if he'd like to be adopted and become "Thomas Finnstock"?

A few tears and Yes's were coming out of the now former Stilinski. 

So now Thomas Finnstock Went to his first day of his last year of Hell- High school before graduation.


A few months after the official adoption Thomas accidentally called Coach 'Dad' and now dad being the stubborn idiot he is Wouldn't respond to Thomas unless he said 'dad'.

In school this caused a lot of confused looks, Just thinking it was a prank the students brushed it off.
Until 'Stiles' just kept calling Coach 'dad'
Soon one of the students found out that Stiles got a new Jersey that said 'Finnstock'

Which led them to believe that Stiles was adopted by there Dubbed crazy teacher, This caused a lot of rumors (good and bad) to spread around the school.

This made the pack furious thinking he was doing for attention and a higher grade, Which is silly 'cause he didn't even get a higher Grade.

The pack Didn't take to the dismissal of there question.
Obviously the only rational thing to do is bully stiles until he admits he's an 'attention seeker'
(which is stupid cuz thats what they were doing)

So In the halls they hit him, In class they mock him with notes and Outward distaste, In Lacrosse they don't give him the ball. (this causes them to lose most of there games that year.)


His Father decided he was a shit dad and tried to become sober... it ended up with Thomas and Noah to have a big fight about How he wasn't even legally his son, so no he cant take him back.

Even if he was the Sheriff if he tried to get stiles back it cause a legal war to start and with Mr. McCall on Thomas side he Noah wouldn't have a chance to win.

Speaking of the FBI he gets "we're sorry, you got taken and tortured" money every other month , about $1,800 and sometimes $2,000.

Allowing Coach and Thomas to get a bigger house and also a dog! They named her Dandelions(Dandie for short) after the small patches that grew in the glade.


Thomas is happy and hopes everyone in heaven and on earth are as well.

He definitely would have like newt to meet his dad and For his dad to meet Newt. (and Minho)

Coach married a very kind but strong women who reminded him of pretty much all the women Gladers/scorchers, Her name was Rayne she worked in the FBI, she quickly learned about him being taken by WCKD.

She was honestly the best mother figure he could have asked for.

Even better She would hold him on stormy days/nights and when this would happen she would softly Mutter how the sky was crying and that it was nothing to be afraid of.

Thomas Graduated a few weeks earlier then his classmates due to his smarts and that the FBI academy had an opening but would have to be taken within a few weeks.
As He knew to FBI agents he got moved up a few years and Swiftly graduated resulting in him becoming a real Agent in the same unit as Ray(Rayne) It was honestly one if the best thing to happen to him, His sad and now mom couldn't agree more.

So all in all he got his dream job, a Dad n Mom as well as having an adorable dog and having good teammates.

After the giant thing of WCKD he grew from the depressing past and Made a better future.
Never forever his old family, Just opening his heart for a few more.

After a few years in The agency he met a boy and they started dating.
His name was Mylo.


Originally i was going to make this book a sad one where he shoots himself (sorry, not) but then it turned kind happy so i just played on that and now we have whatever this is<3

Hopefully you liked the chapter and i'll maybe edit this tomorrow.

also i haven't checked for errors of like plot holes loll!

Luv u tiny losers☀️

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