Girls ~ Sciles❤️

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<Songfic:) listen to the song while you read
and yes ik its called girls but i made it about a boy, so i switch some of the words>

~I'm acting so strange~

Dear diary,
I think the pack has started to get worried. They've been trying to talk to me in school.

~There so pretty it hurts~

Dear diary,
We had math together today, Like we always do but. Today they were sitting in-front of the window and the sun hit their eyes making them look like molasses..

(Note: to self don't call their eyes molasses it's weird.)

~I'm not talking 'bout girls, I'm talking about boys~

Dear diary,
I Think I want to come out to my dad.
maybe ill do something funny? Ughh I'm so nervous and the only thing I can think of is Standing in the hallway closest an jumping out and yelling that I'm  "out of the closet"
Oh god this is going to great!

(Note the sarcasm.)

~They're so pretty with their button-up shirts~

Dear Diary,
It went well! My dad just said "i know"! Like and you didn't tell me? I was struggling man
Anygays (pfffft anygays omfg) I learned that girls call there crushes by Like nicknames so uh I'm gonna call my crush, uhhh shit! I'll call him molasses..
Okay well Today molasses's had to change cuz a classmate spilled coffee on him, So he had to change and his only extra shirt was one of his old button-up shirt from like a year ago! He looked so good.

~I shouldn't be feeling this~

Dear diary,
I've talked to the pack. I made a lie up that I was really fricken tired and grumpy the past week 'cause of research. I don't think they believed me.
I know I should stop feeling what I feel for molasses but I really can't I mean I knew I loved him for years but I didn't know I loved him like that!

~But its to hard to resist~

Dear diary,
He slept over today.
Not like we didn't have sleep overs before, we just haven't had once since I've been feeling like this.

~Soft skin and soft lips~

Dear diary,
It's getting increasingly hard not to just kiss him in the middle of class.
He does this cute thing where when he's confused on a problem he chews his lips and twists his hands.
Plus they're so soft and pink, he seems like he would be a good kisser, He probably tastes sweet.

(Note: Stiles stop its weird people with think ur crazy if they read this.)

~I should be into this girl, But its just a waste of time~

Dear diary,
Molasses thinks I like Lydia.
I really just wanted to scoff and say "No idiot I fuckin love you" obviously i cant.

~She's really not my type, I know what I like~

Dear diary,
He keeps complaining about how I'm always lost in my head and he keeps bugging me and saying that I'm thinking of Lyds.
I'm not.

(Note: Lydia learned that I "Like" her, I had to tell her that I don't and that i like Molasses, Shes now on a mission to get him and me together.)
(Note2.0: Don't let girls know who your crush is. Shes now making wedding plans...)

~No this is not a phase~

Dear diary,
Molasses just told me he's bi, He also said he loved someone.

(Note: I doubt it's me. He could never love me like that.)

~'Cause i don't know what to do, It's not like i get to choose who i love~

It's Scott Idk i saw Stiles writing in a book and saw the words "Dear diary" so i wanted to try it.
So uh

Dear diary,
Um I think I love stiles.
Lydia told me all about how girls call there crushes by weird names so I'm gonna call him Whiskey.

(To know later: Please NO on read this)

~Who I love, Who I love, Who I love~

Uh Dear diary,
Sti- Whiskey wasn't feeling good today, So i took him home.
And i may have accidentally uh Kissed him...

Ik Ik i fucked up okay i just he looked so sad and he was pouting! fricken POUTING! I mean what was i supposed to do?
Any ways he uh kissed back... So idk what thats supposed to mean, But hopefully when i ask him on a date he says Yes.

~There so pretty it hurts~

Dear diary,
Molasses's KISSED ME!!! AHHHHH.
Okay anyways i accidentally picked his diary up and it said he was going to ask me on a date! But I'm going to before him...

(Note: I'm not 'cause i have know idea how to plan a date.)


~I'm not talking 'bout girls, I'm talking 'bout boys~

Dear diary,
Its been 5 years,
It's my wedding today.
Safe to say that date with Molasses/Scott went well.

(Note: Yes Lydia did infact use the wedding details she made in senior year for our wedding.)

Dear diary & Scott,
I love you.
I love your molasses colored eyes and when they get hit by the sun.
I love your brown hair and how it's fluffy and waves in the wind.
I love all your tells and habits.
I love the way you dance and sing (even tho it's not perfect.)
I love the way you care for others and me.
I love the way you make food.
I love all of you throughout your ups and downs.
I've loved you since the sand pit when we were 3 years old.
I love now and will always love you.


Dear diary,
"You may kiss the groom."


Yayy!!! A happy fic! ❤️🦕

Its not my fav but its good!

i'll edit it later (someday).

Also i did switch some of the Lyrics around.

Luv yall losers.🪐

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