Teen wolves Power puff girls~ Stallison❤️

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<Please tell me if any of this chapter is like offensive or rude! I just thought of this and i don't know like good terms and i don't have the best wifi to look it up.>
No Supernatural and set during school just not the years the show was in.
(and music form 2023 will be involved in this one shot loll)

Stiles wasn't sure what he wanted to be, he had bought some dresses and skirts online and was nervous to try them on.

He was worried someone would come in or if he liked wearing them more than pants he was worried his dad would kick him out our people from school would tease him.

He knew he had feelings for Allison for a year or so and he felt safe with her, So he called her crying and asking if she could come over.

Obviously she said yes and most likely broke a speed limit or two.

When she got to the house she saw Stiles on the floor in a skirt and a red henley top, with cute white socks with hearts. To be honest she found Stiles adorable!

Her crush was sobbing and whimpering causing her to run over and hug them.

"Hi, love why are you crying?" She said

Hiccuping in between words they says that they don't know.

"Honey is it 'cause of what you're wearing?" She says with a soft smile

Stiles Quickly snaps their head to Allisons and gives her a confused and sad look as he slowly nods.

"Ye-yeah I'm sorry for calling you, you can go now it doesn't matter. I know I shouldn't be dressing like this." they say while whipping the tears off their face.

Slowly Allison lifts her hand to tilt their chin to face her.

"Stiles, Let me ask you this, do you feel more comfortable wearing what you're wearing than your usual pants, T-shirt and Flannel? She asked warmly


It's okay if you say yes." Allison quickly dismissed stiles words while smiling

"Y-Yes." Stiles whisperers out.

"Thats good honey, thank you for telling me."

"Now why don't we get you up and i can look at how adorable you are" She says confidently
(btw Allison's Bi)

"What!? I-i'm not adorable" Stiles says pouting.

"Well of course you are darling, Your beautiful with your Whiskey eyes, Moles, and damn you pull off a skirt better then me and Lydia. Just don't. tell her i said that!" she says with a smirk

Causing the Stilinski to twinge pink for the words of affirmation.

Stiles slowly stands up and Allison gets a good view of Sti's outfit causing her to blush from how good they look.

"Sti' Baby? What pronouns do you want me to call you right now?" She asked slowly as to not startle them.

"Uhm She/Her please." She slowly Stutters out almost on the edge of tears, thinking Allie would mock him.

"Alright love, Now Why don't we put some makeup on you and I can call Lydia over here so we can go shopping for you? As long as you're okay with that?" Allison said with a warm tone and gentle touch.

"Uhm sure yeah i'm okay with that can.. we tell my dad tho? I don't want him to get mad at me when he finds out from someone else." Stiles says hesitantly

"Of course Love when is he going to be home?"

"Around 3:00 he had an easy day today."

"Well that gives us time to call Lydia and have her come here."

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