1 {Discussion}

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"Nae appa" I replied to my Appa who called me to come over his office which was in our house.


●Hello, I am Kang Y/N 19 years old.

●The loving daughter of my hero, my father Kang Yuntae.

●I am a free, carefree and clumsy girl.

●The friend of this clumsy girl is Kim Ye-rim or Yeri as I call her.

●We both are best friends for almost 16 years now.

●We both love hanging out together and playing outdoors.

●We are both just stupid girls who love playing and doing dumb stuff.

●We both just got inside our Uni and luckly same Uni.

●I am very lucky to have a Sister like best friend.

●I don't have my Eomma she died in a accident when I was only 9 months old.

●But due to my father's care and personality and also of Yeri taking care of me like my Eonnie I never felt or missed my Eomma.


"Nae Appa, you called me?" I asked getting inside his office and saw a man sitting infront of him.

"Yes, my sweetheart I called. Actually there's something we need to discuss" Appa explained why he called me.

"Yes, what do you need to discuss?" "Yeah, but first sit down." I did as Appa said.

"So first this is Mr.Choi Minsung, The Ceo and Founder of the Choi industries." Appa introduced the man to me.

This name is familiar.

I thought. "Ohh...Anyeonghaseyo" I bowed 90 degree to him. "Ohh...so this is your daughter Kang Y/N." He said laughing.

As Appa also laughed and I stayed awkward there. "Such a cute little beauty." Mr.Choi exclaimed patting my head slowly.

"So let's stra-" Before Appa could finish his sentence, a knock was heard. "May I come in?" A deep and husky voice was heard asking.

"Yes come in." Appa said and the door opened revealing a young man which seemed in his late 20s.

"Ohhh...Son here you are." Mr.Choi patted his back as he was bowing to Appa.

"This is My eldest son. Choi Seungcheol" Mr.choi introduced the young man.

He bowed to Appa once again and faced me and...

We had eye contact.

His Aura was dark and scary but his stare was not scarring at all.

Omg- what the fuck.

I thought and crused. But quickly bowed to him as he did the same.

"Seungcheol this Kang
Y/N, your soon-to-be-wife." Mr.Choi as my eyes widen but, he still had that cold expression.

"What?!?!" I asked in shock as Mr.Choi asked Appa. "Yuntae, you haven't told her yet?" "That's why I called her to discuss about her marriage-"

"I am not going to marry anyone right now!!" I said cutting Appa mid sentence. I stood up from my chair but a hand held my wrist.

I turned around and saw that Seungcheol guy holding my wrist.

17/13 24/7 | Seventeen X Reader | {Ongoing}Where stories live. Discover now