4 {Lunch Visit}

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"Are you done?" Jun and You had been siting in Your room for the past one-and-half-hour.

*A/N: Because you know your Uni work was due.*

"Yeah almost-Done!!!" You exclamied and threw the pens away from your hands.

"Okay then keep the things in their place and let's go. You wanna make special food for Yeri right?"

He made you remeber that you are going to meet Yeri for lunch which made you even more happy than you were before.

"Yeah!!" You quickly kept all the things at their respective place and ran out of the room at the speed of light.

*A/N: Yeah Joking.*

You got down stairs and without anything else you went straight to the kitchen to see.

Mrs. Park with all the other maids. Mrs. Park is the head and the oldest maid of all.

"Mrs.Park!!!" You went and hugged her and Mrs.Park hugged you back.

"So excited?" "Yeri. My best is coming to visit me today for lunch!!!" You started jumping holding Mrs.Park's hands.

"Okay. Okay. Stop and let's start making food or else it will be late. By the way. By which time will she come?" "By two or two thirty."

"Okay then we need to hurry!!" "Yaeh!!!" You agreed and they started making the lunch.


Y/N's Pov

The lunch was ready and all the maids left for their houses.

I was going to sit on the but, then the doorbell rang. I went to see who at the door.

I opened it and it was Seungcheol...

But why only he is here?

I looked around in search of the other two. Jeonghan and Shua.

"BOO!!!" Both of them appeared from behind Seungcheol making me scared and due to that I almost fell down.

But in the mean time Seungcheol was quick to hold me and save me from falling.

I held my chest and painted heavily. "Whao!! That was scary."

For sometime they were worried about me but when I said. 'That was scary.' They brusted laughing.

I pouted. "You reaction was cute but you know what Seungkwan would have said?"

"What?" I was curious to know what Seungkwan would have said.

"HaJiMaLaGo!!!" They shouted in Unison. "Whaaa....!! That was more scary then what you did before."

"Jinjja? Yeah!!" They cheered but someone shouted from behind.

"Hyung you can come inside and talk too!!! Don't need to stand at the door!!!" And it was Jun.

"Yeah. Let's go inside." They went inside and I closed the door and also followed them.

I gave each of them a glass of water to drink. After giving them water I sat beside Jun.

17/13 24/7 | Seventeen X Reader | {Ongoing}Where stories live. Discover now