in order to truly stop the perpetuation of generational trauma you have to break bonds between vitcims and their narcissistic abusers/toxic parents/toxic family members. that means boundaries and soo many changes and conversations. without those conversations and changes we are going to be stuck in this loop.
we really the Gallaghers LMAAOOOOO call me lip cuz my parents and older sister walked out so now I'm barely legal can't even buy alcohol but some how I'm raising my siblings who call me mom and I have no life of my own because every aspect of individuality and personality I had got traumatized out of me and now I have to re-parent myself when I'm about to be twenty and should be living my own life.
there's probably something else here about how this makes the women in this family treat each other and that's why we are a family of girls cuz they just can't get it right. there's only one way to stop the cycle for good and that's to break it.
ignoring the problem only makes it bigger I swear