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Clarke ends up in Lexa's lap once because of an inconvenience.

Lexa would have never thought that Clarke ends up in her nap another time only an hour later.

It's a bit of a long story. She underestimated the snow, that's what it starts with. When they exit the spa, the snow is thick and twirling in the air like dancers in a crowded club.

Of course; another snow storm was foretold, but for much later that night or even the next morning.

Lexa thinks they're going to be fine though. They will just spend the night and the next day at the inn, like all the others who currently need a roof over the head.

They do not in fact end up fine.

They get into Lexa's truck and Clarke asks, "Are you sure you can drive? There's plenty of snow on the road."

"Yeah, no, that's still okay. Happens a lot more often here than you'd think and we only have to go through town. I'll drive a bit slower though."

Lexa does drive slow, and Clarke is slowly beginning to freeze. Stupidly, thinking that she wouldn't need to be warm in the spa, Clarke once again prioritized style over comfort. Her shirt sure is pretty and the thin jacket fits over it like made for it, but it's cold. The truck doesn't have a working heater. Lululemon jackets are great until you're in Frostford, driving at an excruciating pace through a snowed-in winter world.

It all goes well though. Lexa drives slow and steady and they get stuck at no red lights or other such obstacles, because Lexa says that if she stopped once, she might not be able to drive on again. The snow is still falling in masses after all, and the layer on the streets is getting thicker.

It's exactly because of the snow making the view difficult that Lexa sees the car trying to overtake her way too late.

It's way too fast, Clarke thinks, what the fuck is the driver thinking, Lexa curses and they both watch as the car sways dangerously and slips into the gutter.

Lexa hits the brake hard and the truck drifts off helplessly. They get stuck upfront in a mountain of snow, made by someone trying in vain to get rid of the snow on the sidewalks.

Lexa immediately opens her door and rushes out, Clarke follows her, arms crossed to keep warm.

"Mr. Jaha? Hey, are you okay?" Lexa calls and knocks at the window and Clarke can't believe that this is the asshole who provides the inn with electricity and the such.

Jaha does not open the door, or even the window.

He pushes the gas pedal instead and his tires fight against the snow. Lexa straightens up with raised brows. "Mr. Jaha? You're not going to get out of here that easy."

But Clarke recognizes the car too fast. It's the same one Raven's ex boasted with on Instagram. All-wheel drive, among a hundred other fancy features. He kept calling it the best thing alive, until Raven dumped him for it, because he almost ran her over by accident and checked for the car first.

Lexa is standing far too close.


She mindlessly rushes forward and drags Lexa from her spot roughly, pushing her back and falling on top of her just in time as Jaha speeds off.

She pants. "Are you crazy? You were way too close. He could've hurt you."

Lexa looks up at her, still clinging to Clarke's arms, left speechless. It's thoughtless when she leans up and presses a warm kiss on Clarke's cold, rosy cheek. "Fuck. Thank you."

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