chapter four

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I blink rapidly to see if the most creepiest yet beautiful man I have ever seen in my life is real, or just one of my hallucinations.

Wait, what am I thinking? He looks like the type of man I've been told to avoid my entire life.

The type of man who would corrupt me at the knowledge of my "innocence" as my parents would so kindly put it.

His hair is dark and ruffled messily as if he had run his leather-clad fingers through it one too many times.

Not to mention the many tattoos peeking out of the rolled-up sleeves of his black button-down shirt, which looks extremely expensive.

He is wearing a long, rich black cashmere coat which reaches his knees, it has thick buttons and looks extremely comfy.

He has a few piercings which suit him better than they would ever suit me, including an eyebrow piercing and two diamond studs on each of his ears. He even has a lip piercing.

Wonder what it'd feel like to kiss him—

I quickly brush away my unwanted thoughts.

He looks dangerous, I roam my wide eyes over him as he plants himself down beside me, I quickly shuffle to the edge, all the while keeping my eyes situated on him.

His strong citrusy dark cologne mixed with the faint aroma of cigarettes, black coffee and metal.

I start getting uncomfortable and squirm in my seat, who is this random man and why is he just sitting down next to me? Me, as in someone who probably looks like they've escaped from a mental institution.

I stare at him, with wide eyes, as he manspreads across half the old, wooden bench, he looks over at me and holds an open black lighter under my cigarette all while keeping a cool, emotionless face.

I stare at him in complete and utter confusion. He raises a single thick brow in disbelief and amusement.

"Want me to light that for you, raven?" He rasps with a slight smirk, his voice low and smoky, I honestly hadn't taken notice of a single word he said, only the vibrations of his voice playing against my ears pleasantly.

I keep staring at him, unknowingly.

"Don't think that's how you smoke a cigarette, baby." He muses, flicking the lighter a few times to get the message to sink in.

Oh right. I accidentally mumble it under my breath, I was so sure he didn't hear it, but it appears he did, with the smile that lights up his face.

I feel like smiling too now.

I flick my eyes down, but then back to the man, I lean my head down to the lighter and slightly lower my head down, shaking the black, messy locks and ribbons out of my face so I don't turn bald, before lighting the cigarette and moving back, all the while keeping my gaze on his.

He maintains eye contact with his annoyingly gorgeous grey eyes which feel like they are stripping me naked with just a mere gaze.

I inhale. The sensation of the ash lingering down my throat and the nicotine soothing me, yet killing me at the same time, I breathe out toward the night air, the nicotine calming my nerves and putting my mind on cooldown.

The smoke trails over until it finally disappears through the wind. My mind calms down and the edges of my lips quirk slightly, unnoticeably, at the feeling.

I don't realise the stranger is staring at me, he's like a shadow honestly, dressed in all black, copying my movements as he drags a lit cigarette to his lips too and exhales the other way.

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