Relic of the Devil (Fantasy/Horror)

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I stood in the bustling street, checking to see if the forge was locked.

"Hard at work at the smithy, eh?" Mathew, a middle aged man who ran a bakery around the corner, asked as he passed by on a cart.

I gave him a weak grin, "You know it. Have to make a living somehow."

"It's good to hear you're doing well, Oliver. You're just 20 years old..." He nodded, "Your parents would've been proud."

I smiled as he rode on, leaving me alone with the crowd. I pushed past the mass of people, walking towards my favourite alleyway where no one commuted.

A lot more people have been visiting Rome recently. The capital was booming, and so was the kingdom. The Roman Empire had conquered all of Italy, and the morale of the citizens was high.

Now was a time of opportunity, where merchants became rich from trading and people rose to great heights through political campaigning.

Despite all this, I was happy with the blacksmith job I had. I just had to work enough to get a tiny house in the countryside, where I could live in peace.

I had almost enough money saved up since I started a couple of years ago when my parents died. A few more jobs, and I'd be done.

A faint red glow in my peripheral vision interrupted my thoughts. I cocked my head to the side, slowing down and squinting my eyes.

I wasn't imagining it. A weak light emitted from the darkness, barely visible through the weeds.

I kneeled down and ran my hands through the wilderness, my fingers wrapping around a metallic item. I frowned as I picked it up, bringing it out of the shrubbery.

It fit in the palm of my hand, its core slightly thrumming against my skin.

It was an amulet of some sort. A ruby center with a black metal around it, absorbing the light the gem emitted.

It'd fetch a good penny. I thought, examining the intricate designs on the ornament. I shook my head, dropping the amulet back into the weeds.

What was that vile thought?

It was probably important to someone, so I shouldn't take it. Hopefully the owner would find it somehow.

I continued on my way, eventually reaching my wooden shack. Sitting at a little over 3 meters tall, it was a squat, square building away from all the noise of the city. I fished the keys out of my pocket, unlocking the door.

I didn't even know why I locked it in the first place. No one came this way other than my customers in need of my services.

I stepped into the house and lightly closed the door behind me.

The inside of my shack was as simple as the outside. Wooden floor and some ordinary furniture strewn across the large room, along with a bed I slept on.

I yawned lazily, walking over to the kitchen to see what I could cook up. I stared at the dining table.

The amulet stared back.

"How..." I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out. I reached out and grabbed it hesitantly. Well, might as well keep it since it's already here.

"Finders are keepers," A voice said in my ear.

I yelped and jumped forward, hitting my hip on the dining table painfully. "Huh?" I whirled around.

A young woman sat on the kitchen counter. My eyes gravitated to the top of her head where two tiny spikes protrude.

"Are those horns?" I gaped at her, "How'd you get in?!"

"You live in a dump," she replied, ignoring my first question. "It was pretty easy."

My eyes fell down to her slender legs as she crossed them, the hem of skirt moving a little higher up her thighs. She snapped her fingers.
"Eyes up here, pretty boy." She blew a strand of hair out of her face, "The amulet's yours now, you touched it."

I chose to ignore the horns for now. People in this kingdom had all kinds of hobbies. Maybe it was the new trend.

"You know what this amulet is?" I held out the shining orb towards her. "Are you here to take it?"

No, it's mine now! I can't let her have it.

"I just said it's yours." She pushed off the counter and stepped towards me, her eyes glinting red, "It's not an amulet, it's a relic."

My relic.

"A relic? For what?" I shrunk back a little. What were these thoughts? And why was this girl so close to me?

I can kiss her if I want to...

"A relic that gives you magic." She presses a finger to my heart and smiles slyly, making me shiver. "Blood magic."

Do it.

I hesitate, "Sorry?"

"Haven't you noticed the vile thoughts you get when you hold it." She was pressing me against the wall now. Her hand traced my arm before coming to rest on my bicep. My breathing became laboured. "It's probably worse now that I'm nearby."

Let her seduce you. Give into her. Press her against the wall, now!

I shook my head violently, trying to loosen my grip on the amulet. But my fingers wrapped around it tighter as if they had a will of their own.

My breath quickened as I saw little white points on the edges of the girl's mouth as she moved her face close to mine.


"I..." I tried to form words, but failed.

"In return for the magic." The girl took the amulet from my fingers and pressed it against my loud heartbeat. "It takes your life force. The thoughts are a side effect."

"I don't... know... what... you are talking about..." I was struggling to speak now. I stared at the girl's red lips, trying to resist the temptation.

"Oh you will, Oliver." The girl smiled coyly before pressing the amulet into my chest.

A searing pain enveloped my mind.

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