Atlantis Will Rise Again (Sci-Fi)

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I strolled through the cobblestone pathways, pushing through the mass of white robed people. Vendors on either side were calling out their wares and goods, trying to get customers to spend a coin or two.

Holographic models of our country's news reporter lined the edge of the road, informing the citizens of the major event that was about to happen.

"All citizens are to be in their homes the entire time the operation is in process, being outside is a hazard," she informs. The seal of the Atlantean government could be seen behind her. A trident with a star and a circle around it.

I sidestepped to the left as a walker passed by me, its huge, metal legs shining in the dull light of the afternoon. A rumbling sound escaped from its steam engine as it continued to stride past the crowd. I could see a soldier with a white uniform in the cockpit, two handles in his hands.

He was heading towards the city, where ginormous skyscrapers stood, towering over the little residential houses that surrounded downtown. Their windows gleamed as the sunlight bounced off of them, giving the entire city a sparkle.

Atlantis had truly outdid itself. During 500 B.C, when the other countries were waging wars and destroying each other, our scientists had harnessed the power of water and hydraulics and created the perfect blend between technology and nature. Our lights, walkers, vehicles, robots, and many other gadgets were all powered by water. Self sustaining electricity for everything and everyone.

And in about 30 minutes, the country would make the final step and become the most powerful in the world. We'd take control of Earth's largest portion.

The seas.

I shoved my way through the crowd, making my way to my apartment. The door scanned my retina, clicking open with a hiss. I stepped inside, my white robe flowing behind me. The door slammed shut behind me.

"Welcome, Plato." The robotic voice of my assistant greeted me, "What'd you like for dinner today?"

I collapsed onto the couch, rubbing my eyes and yawning. "I'll take a steak today."

The food generator in my kitchen whirred up, its pointy tip starting to spew some kind of material onto the plate. It'd be done in about a minute. I stared at the setting sun as it finished up.

A steaming steak arrives in front of me, carried by yet another robotic servant at my disposal. The Atlanteans had grown a bit too lazy, giving every job to the robots, but I couldn't complain.

As the sky darkens, a huge holographic stopwatch appeared in the sky, with a minute left to go.

Just one minute until it happens.

"All citizens must be in their houses by now." The announcer's voice boomed through the public speaker in my apartment. Every residence had one. "The operation will commence regardless."

The announcer cleared her throat, her speech growing louder with every word.

"Once we're underwater, we'll truly be invincible. We'll expand our country all throughout the ocean beds, until eventually, we populate the 7 seas."

I sighed deeply, leaning back. Being underwater meant unlimited energy, and unlimited land to expand on since the humans would never think of expanding into the water. They were too busy fighting on land.

"Once we've taken over the oceans, we'll rise up and take over the land dwellers." The announcer continued, her voice starting to turn hysteric. "They won't be able to stop us with their puny technology. We'll own Mother Earth itself!"

A cheer erupted in the background, no doubt from the big guns in the town hall who called the shots and authorized the entire operation. I watched as the stopwatch ticked down from 10 seconds.

9, 8, 7...

I was just glad to be on the winning side. The humans would eventually crumble. Either by destroying themselves or being annihilated by us in the future.

3, 2, 1... 0.

The island starts to sink. 

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