Team Building

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A/N: This is for my working girlies. We can do this. Hello to shbfsezo girl you've been under the radar for quite some time lol. Same here hahaha

Enjoy this chapter.

No proofreading. Beware 😁😄


Tin hears constant honking coming from his house when he wakes up.

With a moan, he pushes his head beneath his pillow. On this Saturday, the one day he lets himself sleep in a little bit, someone has decided to ruin his morning by using their car horn to make beautiful, sweet music. He is unable to go back to sleep.

Tin decides he can't stand it anymore after about a minute of what now appears to be rhythmic honking that eerily mimics the melody and tempo of "Hey Ya." With a swift stride, he storms down the stairs to deliver a sharp message to whoever it is. With more force than is strictly necessary, he flings the door open to discover—

"Saint!" As he gets closer to the car and yanks the door open, Tin is raging.

"Fuckin' finally, dude!" Saint abruptly stops honking his horn, turning to Tin with a grin. "Get in, loser, we're going to the beach!"

Tin looks at him, astonished. "What the heck is going on?" He blows up. "Why couldn't you simply address me as an ordinary person? Most likely, you've awakened everyone in the neighborhood! "

Saint chuckles. "Tin-y, which neighborhood?" He gestures to the long, roomy driveway and the expansive gardens that encircle the house, saying, "You live on a massive private property by yourself. Aside, this strategy is more enjoyable! You know, I don't get to do this with many friends."

Tin gives him a fierce glare. "Saint, you are so fucking lucky that I'm still half asleep because I'm going to fucking kill you when I'm fully awake."

When he eventually gets out of his car, Saint rolls his eyes. Yeah, I see. When he gets to Tin, he throws an arm around him and physically turns him to walk back into his house. "You do that, Tin. Let's get you dressed in the meantime! We will miss all the fun as the group is already headed to the Lakawon! "

When they get to the kitchen, Tin stops abruptly. "No, we're not heading to Lakawon," he dismissively tells Saint.

"Why the hell not?" Saint cries and sulks at Tin.

Tin pushes him aside to turn on the coffee maker.

Saint sidles up to him, nudging his side. "Aw, c'mon, Tin-o-baby! It's going to be fun!"

"No, Saint," he says firmly. "The team building is for my team to enjoy. Anyway, I wasn't invited. It would be incredibly rude to show up."

Once more, Saint rolls his eyes theatrically. "All right, but I was invited," Rei asked me over. I'm inviting you now! He claps his hands collectively. "It's solved! I will tell them that you will be joining us."

Tin guffaws. "It's likely that they invited you just to be courteous."

Saint lets out a gasp and grabs his chest violently. "You hurt me, my friend." He leaps up on the counter next to Tin and says, "That shit hurts." He doesn't say anything until Tin looks up at him. "I swear, they won't mind at all. Despite what you may believe, your people genuinely think well of you, bro."

"I know they like me," Tin says defensively.

"I genuinely hope you do," nods solemnly Saint. "Additionally, since the company owns it, it is officially your beach house. They wouldn't force you to leave your own home, even if they weren't lying, which they most definitely are. "

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