The Clueless Devil

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A/N: I am re-reading one of my TinCan stories, The Double Life. I need some motivation. I need strength and a lot of humor on this story. I want this to me quirky, happy, uplifting kind of story because the other story that I made and updating is somehow dark.

I want this to be like an escape to a day of worries and stress. I want this story to be chill and enjoyable.

And I hope I can convey that here.

So, without much further ado.

Enjoy reading!


Sometime thereafter, Tin winds up in an alternate suit, with his hair slicked back and his social battery totally maximized. Tin can rub elbows with clients and financial backers as well as anyone, however he'd constantly been a thoughtful person and never truly delighted in friendly capabilities however much certain individuals did. The party goes by rapidly, with just a minor hiccup when it turns out Tin had failed to remember that it was Jane's birthday, and he needed to skilfully evade the party to stay away from her while Can had headed out to get something to give her. He returned rapidly, bearing an elegantly rich bouquet, and Tin inactively considered what he would have done if Can had chosen not to accompany him to this occasion all things considered.

Can seems to have enjoyed the night himself, if the way he flitted across the room talking to various groups of people all night was any indication. He seemed to totally fit in—nobody seemed to realize he was with Tin as his secretary and not a direct benefactor, maybe because, to his credit, Can absolutely looked the part. His suit fit him perfectly, highlighting his lithe figure in all the right places, and he conversed with all the grace of a well-seasoned industry veteran. Watching him then, Tin felt a surge of pride, feeling that maybe he had a part in that somehow.

Later, as they sit in the backseat of the vehicle, Can answers a call in perfect French. Although his Southern accent still occasionally creeps into the vowels, he has come a long way since he first began learning the language. Now, his speech is largely fluid and nearly fluent. Tin makes sure to express his admiration for him.

When he looks over, Can is honest-to-goodness blushing. "Thank you, sir." Can grins, sliding his phone into his pocket.

"I've been working on it. Of course, without your assistance, I could not have succeeded. It appears that all those difficult lessons and flashcards were worthwhile."

Tin cracks a smile. "Only took three years."

Can chuckles softly, shaking his head. "We can't all be born with flawless French vocabulary and be a wonderful devil, though."

Tin hums. "I mean, I didn't naturally possess charm and eloquence from birth. It looked like you had a good time tonight." he ribs.

Can glances at him, looking sheepish. "You noticed that?"

"Of course." Tin has to tell himself to stop staring at Can's red cheeks, which won't go away. Rather, he looks out the window. "You worked really well today. I appreciate you accompanying me."

Can lets out a little surprised laugh. "Oh, wow. Uhm, thank you, Mr. Medthanan."

"In fact," Tin turns to face Can, ensuring he understands that he is being serious, "You've been doing an amazing job for the past few years. I wanted to thank you for a long time. With, it's known. being a brilliant personal assistant," Christ. Tin's awkwardness hasn't diminished in the slightest despite being a successful CEO.

Can is now wearing a funny expression, suggesting that he is perplexed by the direction this conversation has gone but not particularly offended. Amazingly, his cheeks are still red.. "Oh, uhm. Don't mention it, sir. Just a part of the job and all." He gives Tin a small smile.

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