A New Turn

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It's been a couple days since the sports festival. School had started back up as Izuku caught the nearest train as it took him to U.A High. There was a certain mood shift in Izuku however as he tried to use the music to clear his head of the news that he heard yesterday.


As Izuku made it home after the sports festival with his medal. Smiling at his achievement and that he proved Katsuki and Shoto wrong.

Izuku: "Mom. I'm home!"

Inko: "Izuku...... could you come in here for a minute?"

The somber tone in her voice was all too familiar as he made his way into the living room. As he saw his mom, dad, and Izumi sitting around. With a confused looked on his face, as he saw Izumi smiling sadly at him, his mother looking like she was about to burst into tears and his dad with a somber expression.

Izuku: "What's going on here? Why's everyone so down?"

AllMight: "Well son we just wanna say congratulations on winning the sports festival. You showed the quirk less people can indeed be heroes, if they want to. You're gonna be a symbol to a lot of people who didn't have anyone to believe in them."

Izuku: "Oh, um thanks dad. I just made sure to push myself and prove that I belong at that school."

AllMight: "Of course. Now it's time for a more serious matter that your sister wants to tell you about."

Izuku: "Yeah wasup Izumi?"

Izumi: "Brother. What you showed not only at the tournament and but from the time you were eight, you showed no fear. No matter what odds were up against you stood tall. Even when I foolishly decided to turn my back and on you and belittle you like the others, you never let us get in your way. The tournament only cemented that for me. Seeing you use everything that you were taught by your master whoever he is made you the person you are today."

Izuku: "Where are you going with this Izumi?"

Izumi: "First I want to apologize for my actions. I never should've turned my back on my own flesh and blood as I know you wouldn't have done that. I'm not expecting you to forgive me anytime soon or if ever but I want you to know that I'm owning up to my actions."

Izuku: "It takes a lot of courage to admit when you're in the wrong. You're right I don't know if I can or ever forgive you. You're my sister, I expected you to be there for me and when you weren't I won't lie it hurt. But that in turn helped me meet my master. So I guess it all worked out in the end."

Izumi: "I also have another thing to inform you about. I'll be leaving U.A high."

Izuku: ".......huh?"

As Izuku looks to his dad who nods somberly and his mom who wipes the tears in her eyes. Izuku looked back at Izumi as saw that she was serious about her decision.

Izuku: "Why? Why are leaving U.A. High? That's the school we've wanted to get into since we were kids?! What the hell are you think Izumi?! You just gonna throw it all away!"

Izumi: "I'm not throwing it away Izuku. I realized during the sports festival the severe gap between you and I not physically but spiritually. You were like an unmovable mountain that stood ten toes tall in your conviction. Nothing ever set you off your game. You're disciplined in both body and mind. Something that I lack, and I need to go on this journey to find myself. So that one day I'll be able to stand next to you on an even playing field."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2023 ⏰

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