Chapter 4

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Hibiki sat on the couch with her legs crossed, "So they have to go back in time to stop Kisaki and Manjiro from meeting." Chihiro stood beside Takemichi, staring at the photos on the whiteboard. "If these two had never met each other, today's Tokyo Manji Gang never would have existed. Which means my sister Hinata wouldn't have to die either." Naoto claimed. The Hanagaki siblings shared a look with one another. "We need to go back to middle school and make sure those two never meet. Are you with me?" he asked. Chihiro didn't even need to be asked, "You know I am."

Takemichi got up from his chair, "But how do we even make time travel happen? Neither of us did it on purpose." Takemichi shook hands with Naoto in the past to end up back in the present. There was no telling if she returned because of them shaking hands or from her high-fiving Hibiki. "You told me that right before you came back to the present, you shook hands with me right?" Naoto questioned. Takemichi nodded, "Ugh, yeah." Naoto then focused on Chihiro, "And you said you high-fived Hibiki." Chihiro looked down at her hand, "That's right."

Naoto continued, "So I think that those are the triggers." Takemichi looked at his hands curiously, "A handshake, huh?" Chihiro could only guess that her relying on Hibiki in the past to save her in the present somehow made her the conduit for her powers. Just like Takemichi having to shake Naoto's hand, she has to high-five Hibiki. Naoto gestured for Hibiki to join them, which she happily did. "Are you two ready?" Hibiki grinned. The Hanagaki siblings gave their respective partners a determined look and affirmed in unison, "Yeah."

"Sano and Kisaki. They met in August, twelve years ago. Just locate either one of them and stay by his side and stop the two from ever meeting." Naoto instructed them. "We'll give it our best shot," Chihiro assured. Naoto held out his hand for Takemichi while Hibiki grinned at her. "This is sure a lot. Don't forget to rely on me." Hibiki pressed. Chihiro smiled, "Always, Ikki." And with that, Naoto and Takemichi shook hands exactly when the girl's hands smacked against each other.

This time, she could feel the shift between her present and past self. Instead of being in Naoto's apartment, she was outside staring at the pink-haired Hibiki. "Chichi! Earth to Chi! Are you even listening?" she huffed, waving her hand in her face. She scratched her cheek, nervously laughing, "Sorry, what?" Hibiki narrowed her eyes as if assessing her, "I was asking if you wanted to skip karate practice to see what this so-called fight club is about." Chihiro remembers this part of the anime.

When Takemichi returns to the past for the second time, he returns to his younger self in the middle of a fight. If she remembered correctly, Hibiki really wanted to see what the fight club was about. Chihiro also remembered not getting involved because she was mad at her brother. Before, she and Takemichi always butted heads. Chihiro could only assume he felt emasculated at the thought of his little sister helping him. That was another reason why she never attempted to change anything in the past. But the situation was very different from now. Takemichi asked for her help this time.

"Sure, I guess we can." she relented. Hibiki's mouth spread into a big Cheshire grin as she pointed at her, "Ah ha!" Chihiro tilted her head, mimicking Hibiki's point, "Ah ha, what?" Hibiki ridiculously looked from side to side to ensure no one was listening in. "You're the Chi from the future, aren't you?" she whispered. Chihiro dropped her arm, slightly taken aback, "How did you know?" Hibiki rolled her eyes, "The Chichi I know wouldn't dare skip a day of practice." Again, Hibiki was correct that she hated skipping practice for good reasons.

Chihiro and Hibiki both froze when they felt someone looming over them. A cold chill ran down their spines as an overly cheerful voice asked, "Oh, so we're skipping?" They slowly turned to see the last person they wanted to see. "S-sensei." Hibiki squeaked. Their Sensei was only slightly taller than Hibiki. She had long brunette hair, olive skin, and pink almond eyes. Chihiro mentally groaned, 'I almost forgot about Himawari Iori. She's one of the instructors in charge of the females in the middle school division at the dojo. She made life a living hell for people who skipped practice.' She was in charge of ensuring all of them went to practice.

Those who played hooky got punished the next practice. Everyone called it hell because Himawari would make the offending student do three times more of everything they do next practice to make up for what they missed. None of the girls wanted to experience her wrath. But Hibiki was a glutton for punishment. The sickly sweet smile of hers became a thin line. "You girls weren't going to skip practice, were you?" she asked matter-of-factly. One time was enough for her to know not to try Himawari. "We weren't Sensei Iori." Chihiro declined.

"Yeah, we totally weren't." Hibiki agreed. Himawari narrowed her eyes at the two, "Good. Then I'm certain I'll see you two at the dojo in fifteen minutes." The girls nodded frantically, "Yes, Ma'am!" Himawari looked between the two once more before humphing, "Good." With that the senior left, and the two relaxed. "So, are we really going to practice?" Hibiki asked, nudging Chihiro with her hip. Chihiro nudged her back with her hip, "Oh, hell no."

The two girls gave each other a conspiratorial grin before rushing to find this fight club. By the time they made it to the place where the fight club was, the fight was over. Takemichi was lying on the ground with his lights knocked out. "Isn't that?!" Hibiki gasped. Chihiro bit her lip, 'Those are the assholes that made Takemichi's life hell.' Seeing them here made Chihiro want nothing more than to kick their asses into the ground. Hibiki notices her heated glare and asks, "Should we do something?"

Her younger self wouldn't hesitate to act, but she wasn't that girl anymore. Her mind was reeling, 'I want to do something. But how badly would that affect his growth as a person? Ugh, but I can't stand to see him like that.' While she continued her mental battle with herself her brother woke up and was in the process of getting beat by one of Kiyomasa's guys. "Chihiro!" Hibiki hissed, regaining her attention. Knowing what Hibiki was going to do, she grabbed her wrist. 'I can't interfere yet,' she surmised. It killed her to hide behind a corner and watch the onslaught.

"Why aren't we doing anything?" Hibiki insisted. Chihiro frowned, "I-If I help him right now, it could hinder the future." Her friend tilted her head, giving her a confused look, "Seriously?" Chihiro nodded, digging her nails into her palms till they stung. The two watched in silence until Kiyomasa and his guys were satisfied. They were about to leave when Takemichi asked about Mikey. Chihiro knew this because Kiyomasa got his bat out.

That was when Chihiro couldn't hold herself back any longer. 'No way in hell,' she thought as she sprinted towards the group. Before Kiyomasa could even swing his bat down on him, Chihiro delivered a kick to his side. "The hell!" he grunted. Takemichi whipped his head up to see her standing between him and Kiyomasa. "Chi!" he gasped. Hibiki joined her with a huff, "I'm here too!" One of his guys spat, "Who the hell are you bitches?!"

Chihiro picked up the discarded bat and gestured to Kiyomasa, "The bitch who's going to kick your ass." The now teen then slammed the bat on her knee, breaking it in two. Kiyomasa narrowed his eyes at the two, "Who the hell are you two?" Takemichi was quick to get in front of the two girls, "They're no one." Takemichi gave his younger sister a pleading look. Chihiro knew that he wanted her to back off. But she also wanted to put Kiyomasa in his place.

Kiyomasa looked her up and down, "Well, no one just broke my property." Hibiki snapped back, "It was your own fault for trying to beat her brother with it." Chihiro had had enough with the back and forth. They weren't going to get anywhere at this rate. "Haha, you have your sister fighting your battles now!" another goon chuckled. "How do you expect to pay me back hmm?" Kiyomasa pressed, getting in her face. Her blue eyes narrowed, "I won't kick your ass. How about that?"

She pooled all her anger into the gaze she aimed at Kiyomasa. This was the final warning she was going to give the older teen. Her warning seemed to be headed since Kiyomasa disengaged. "Next time I won't hesitate," he warned. Before leaving he turned to Takemichi, "And the next time Sano comes out of your mouth. I'll kill you." Hibiki rolled her eyes and Chihiro flipped him off. Takemichi however reacted the same as he did in the show.

He ran away sobbing without paying any heed to Chihiro and Hibiki. "Where's he going?" Hibiki huffed. "His girlfriend's." she sighed. Hibiki's eyes went wide, "GIRLFRIEND!?" Chihiro furrowed her brow, "Really Ikki?"                  

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