Chapter 3: Meeting Up

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It was late afternoon and Luke was in his penthouse apartment above his nightclub and he was sat at a table on his laptop sending out some emails to do with some events that he will be hosting at his nightclub.

After he was done, he switched his laptop off and he had a quick look at his phone to see that Gionna had texted him and so he replied to it after reading it.

Gionna: hey Lukey ! Just wanted to ask you if you would like to come with me and some of my friends to a restaurant, we haven't thought about where yet but would you like to come with us ?

Luke: I don't know to be honest, can i think about it ?

Gionna: yeah sure, see you soon Lukey. 😊

Luke: see you soon.

Luke put his phone down and he started thinking about how he might not end up going to hang out with Gionna and her friends as he thinks that he will need to be here to run things at the nightclub.

Then, a few minutes later and he received a text from his friend Chloe who also works for him and when he read the text, he chuckled and he smirked as he read and replied the text.

Chloe: hey Luke, just thought I'd let you know that I'm going to be looking after the club when you go out to that restaurant with Gionna and her friends.

Luke: you little sneakers.

Chloe: oh you know you love us both haha.

Luke: but why though, I'm needed here seeing as this is my nightclub.

Chloe: it is your nightclub, but that doesn't mean that you can't take time for yourself you know, go out and have some fun for once, you'll go insane if you don't take time for yourself.

Luke sighed and he replied to Chloe's text message.

Luke: fine okay, I'll go but only because I know you and how relentless you are.

Chloe: true, I would have just kept badgering you until you decided to go haha.

Luke: is that all then or did you need anything else ?

Chloe: nah, I'm good thanks Luke, I'll see you later when my shift starts.

Luke: yeah okay, see you later.

Luke then decided to text Gionna letting her know that he knows about her texting Chloe.

Luke: you're a sneaky little snake you are haha.

Gionna: I don't know what you're talking about Lukey. 🤭

Luke: uh huh, suuuurrrre.

Gionna: oh it can't be that bad, hanging with me and my friends.

Luke: true but you know me, I do find it difficult to be away from my club for a certain amount of time when it's open.

Gionna: but you do have people that are capable of looking after it for you.

Luke: true.

Gionna: so what's the problem ?

Luke: there isn't one.

Gionna: so there's no real excuse for you to get out of this one then.

Luke: okay smartarse, don't get a big head about it, who's even going to come with us then ?

Gionna: well the ones you've met before including Nhooph, you seemed to get along with each other the last time you two talked.

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