Chapter 5: A Voicemail Sent

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It had been a few weeks since Luke defended Nhooph from the jackass and since then, Luke had found out exactly who it was and he has had him banned from the club for good so that he can't cause trouble at the club ever again.

Luke had been thinking about that moment where he and Nhooph almost kissed but then were interrupted by Gionna who came to check up on the both of them.
Luke wished that Gionna had come up the elevator a bit later because he wanted to kiss Nhooph.
And since that incident, his feelings for her had been developing into him becoming rather fond of her.

Today was no different as he was sat on his couch and he had his phone in his hands and he was psyching himself up to call Nhooph so that he could potentially ask her out.

Luke: come on Walker, you can do this.

Luke had never had any trouble with women before but this time, he could tell that there was something different about Nhooph and that was a good thing because aside from the obvious fact that she is a beautiful woman, she is sweet, interesting to talk to, loyal to her friends and that is just the start of the amount of qualities that Nhooph has that Luke admires about her.

He was nervous about asking her out but he knew that he had to do it anyway because he didn't want to miss his chance with her.

Luke stood up and he paced back and forth and he was going over in his head what he was going to say to Nhooph.

Then, as he was pacing back and forth, he saw that he got a text from Chloe who asked him to come down to the club floor.

Luke: (sigh) fuck.

Luke then replied to Chloe's text.

Chloe: hey Luke, sorry to disturb you but I'm gonna need your help down here on the club floor.

Luke: okay, I'm on my way now.

Luke put his phone in his pocket and got into the elevator and he headed down to the club floor to where Chloe was waiting.

Luke got out of the elevator on the club floor and he walked right over to where Chloe was and she looked irritated and he asked what was wrong.

Luke: hey, what's wrong ?

Chloe: it's my dumbass brother, he's gone and got himself in trouble and he had to spend the night in jail and my parents won't pick him up, could I just go and pick him up and drop him off at his apartment ?

Luke: yeah sure.

Chloe: (sigh) thank you.

Luke: that dude needs to get his life sorted out properly.

Chloe: I know, it's just that my parents are tired of seeing him getting in trouble and they've left him to sort himself out.

Luke: why are you acting like I wouldn't let you do that ?

Chloe: it's not that, I just don't want to make a habit of it is all.

Luke: hey, you've got a family member who needs your help right now even if it's his own fault he messed up, go and get him and then you can come back here... just don't go and give him too much help, if he falls flat on his arse again, leave him to sort himself out, I don't want you to be taken for granted.

Chloe hugged Luke and then she put on her coat and grabbed her keys and bag and left to go and pick her brother up.

Luke shook his head and as he got back into the elevator, he made a comment on Chloe's brother.

Luke: that guy needs to get his arse into gear.

The elevator door closed and Luke made his way back up to his penthouse apartment.

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