Chapter 7: Appetites Taking Over

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Luke and Nhooph had been going on several date as often as they could and they had been getting closer and closer to the point that they were trying to be careful about going too fast no matter what their hearts were telling them, they were at least trying to remain sensible about what was going on between them no matter how much they would fail trying.

Tonight was another one of their dates together and Luke had just left his club and he got into his Maserati and drove straight to Nhooph's place to pick her up.

Luke got out of his Maserati and he walked up to Nhooph's front door and he knocked on.
The door opened and Luke saw Nhooph stood in front of him in a red dress.

The door opened and Luke saw Nhooph stood in front of him in a red dress

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Luke was speechless and Nhooph knew it which made her smile.

Nhooph: hi Luke.

Luke: h-hi Nhooph, you look beautiful.

Nhooph looked at Luke up and down and she complimented him back.

Nhooph: thanks Lukey, you clean up pretty good yourself.

Luke: th-thanks, (clears throat) are you ready to go ?

Nhooph: uh huh.

Nhooph locked her place up and she followed Luke to his car where he opened the passenger door for her.

Nhooph: thank you Luke.

Luke: you're welcome.

Nhooph sat in the passenger seat and Luke closed the passenger door and he shook his head and took a deep breath and got into the driver's seat and drove to the restaurant.

They arrived at the restaurant and they were lead to their table by their host and while they ate and talked, Luke could feel something underneath the table grazing up and down his leg and when he looked over at Nhooph, he saw that she had a look of mischief in her eyes.

Luke tried his best to contain himself and successfully so which made Nhooph curious as to how much longer he could hold out and so when they went to their next destination which was a dancing studio and as they were dancing the rumba together, their bodies were close together and they were looking into each other's eyes, it had started to become all too much for the both of them and so they gave up trying to be sensible and they made their way straight to Luke's penthouse apartment and as they were going up in the elevator, they were already kissing each other with Luke's hands on Nhooph's butt.

When the elevator door opened, they went straight over to the couch and Luke sat down and Nhooph straddled him and they continued making out together.

While they made out, Luke then asked her a question.

Luke: (kiss) so umm... (kiss) do you maybe (kiss) want to......

Nhooph: yeah, let's do it, I'm done wasting time, we both know how much we like each other and we know that we're dating to find someone not just for fun and I also (kiss) trust you (kiss).... So come on baby.

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