Chapter 6 Part 2: The Date

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Luke had now arrived outside Nhooph's place and he took a deep breath and then got out of his car and walked up to her front door and knocked on.

Luke nervously waited and then the front door opens and he saw Nhooph stood there and he thought that she looked beautiful.

Luke nervously waited and then the front door opens and he saw Nhooph stood there and he thought that she looked beautiful

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Luke: wow.... You look absolutely beautiful Nhooph.

Nhooph: thank you Luke, you look very handsome.

Luke smiled at Nhooph with a little blush on his cheeks.

Luke: thanks, shall we get going ?

Nhooph: yeah, I'm really looking forward to our date.

Luke: so am I.

Nhooph followed Luke to his car where he opened the passenger door for her as she got inside.

Nhooph thanked Luke and then he closed the passenger door and got in the driver's seat and started driving towards the restaurant that Luke had made reservations at.

When they arrived at the restaurant, they walked into the restaurant together and the host led them to their table and after they ordered their food, they started talking to each other.

Luke: so how are things going for you ?

Nhooph: they're great Luke, I got a pretty quick win over Nattie on smackdown.

Luke: I know I saw that, I've seen your other matches, you're awesome at what you do.

Nhooph: thank you.

Luke: you're welcome.

Nhooph: and what about you ? How are things going for you ?

Luke: things are going great for me as well, the nightclub is doing great so definitely no complaints there, my friends and family are in good health so I'm definitely happy about that.

Nhooph: oh, speaking of your family, do you have any brothers or sisters ?

Luke: I have one little brother, he's currently at the tail end of high school, what about you ?

While Nhooph told Luke all about her family, he had this look on his face that said it all, he definitely liked her a lot already and he also already knew that he wanted to continue to date her but did she want to continue to date him ?
While they were talking, Nhooph asked about his friends and how they met.

Nhooph so how did you and your friends meet ?

Luke: okay so, you already know how I met Gionna but my other friends, Brandon and Curtis, we met in high school and I met Chloe in college, we've been best friends ever since, like the four musketeers.

Nhooph: aww, that's really sweet.

Luke: thanks, and what about you ?

Nhooph: so I met Gionna years ago when I signed with the WWE, we connected as friends and we've been besties ever since then.

Luke: Gionna certainly has a way with people, she knows how to make friends huh ?

Nhooph: (giggles) oh yeah, she's great, one of my favourite people.

They talked endlessly while they were waiting for their food and also after they finished eating and when they left, they headed to the next destination which was a dancing studio.

They had the best time together and they laughed a lot together which was one of Luke's favourite parts of the date and when it came time to leave, they left the dancing studio and they went out for a drink and then they walked along a path that ran right next to a river and while they were walking, they got to talking about their date together.

Luke: I had a lot of fun.

Nhooph: so did i, I really enjoyed it.

A warm smile appeared on his face which Nhooph found to be really cute.

Nhooph: you're so cute.

Luke: th-thanks (clears throat) uhhhh.

Nhooph: I'd love it if we could go on another one.

Luke: r-really ? Y-you're sure ?

Nhooph: (giggles) yes Luke, you're so sweet and i can see why Gionna sees you as one of her favourite people, you're sweet, you're caring and you clearly care about the people around you.

Luke: th-thanks Nhooph.

Nhooph then whispered something underneath her breath.

Nhooph: (whispers) not to mention you're so damn handsome.

Luke and Nhooph takes for a little bit more and then they walked back to Luke's car and then he dropped Nhooph off back at her place.

A short while later and Luke was back at his penthouse apartment and he was sat on his couch while on the phone with Gionna.

Gionna: so Lukey, tell me how the date with Nhooph went.

Luke: it was so much fun, we talked so much and we learned about each other's families and our friends and then after we ate, we went dancing which was great even though I was nervous to mess up in front of her.
After that we went for a drink and after that, we took a walk along the river and we talked some more and then I took her home.

Gionna: do you want to go on another date with her. ?

Luke: oh of course, she's amazing and I'd love to continue seeing her.

Gionna: oh that's so good to hear Lukey, I'm so glad that two of my favourite people like each other so much that they want to date each other.... And to be honest, I was hoping that you two would hit it off.

Luke: so did i, and between you and me... I was immediately attracted to her the moment I first saw her, but she's just so beautiful and so sweet that I didn't think that I'd have a chance with her.

Gionna: oh Lukey, of course you would, she really likes you too.

Luke: really ? You're sure ?

Gionna: yeah, I've seen the look on her face whenever I've said that we're going to your club, she gets this look on her face, she gets so excited at the thought of seeing you.

Luke: oh.. thanks for telling me, I was hoping that she liked me too.

Gionna: well now you know, Lukey.

Luke: yeah, I just hope that she wants to go on another date with me.

Gionna: oh trust me Lukey, she does want to go on another date with you.

Luke: but how do you know that ?

Gionna: don't worry about it Lukey, I've gotta go now, bye !

Luke was a little bit confused as to why Gionna immediately ended the call but then he put his phone in his pocket and continued about his business.

Meanwhile, Gionna just got off her phone call with Luke and she looked over to the person sat next to her and it was none other than Nhooph who heard everything that Luke said during the call and they both looked so happy and excited about what Luke said.

Nhooph: now I know for sure.

Gionna: girl, he said you're beautiful and sweet... he liiiikkess yooooouuuuu !

Nhooph started blushing and covering her face and Gionna continued it tease her about for a bit while she was still at Nhooph's place.

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